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1 Programme of Work of the ISWGNA and AEG for the period up to 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Programme of Work of the ISWGNA and AEG for the period up to 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Programme of Work of the ISWGNA and AEG for the period up to 2014

2 2 Introduction Implementation of the 2008 SNA Implementation of national accounts more generally Future research agenda Connecting to ongoing work in the broader remits of national accounts Issues in relation to organisation and communication

3 3 Implementation of the 2008 SNA (1) Translation of the 2008 SNA into UN official languages: Chinese, Russian (submitted); Spanish (end of 2011?); Arabic, French (1 st half of 2012) Monitoring the implementation of the 2008 SNA: Annual stocktaking (note: OECD-questionnaire) Coordination of training courses and technical assistance Coordination of compilation of manuals and more detailed guidelines –Stocktaking and discussion of various initiatives –Rules of procedure

4 4 Implementation of the 2008 SNA (2) Pending issues: –Emission allowances and permits (finalized) –FISIM Providing further guidance: –R&D –Pension liabilities –Globalisation issues –Other issues arising from the OECD Workshop

5 5 Implementation of national accounts more generally ABS-survey on barriers to the implementation: advice on possible measures Issues raised at the UN Statistical Commission: –Non-observed economy (NOE) => Starting point: recently launched OECD-survey –Quarterly National Accounts => Starting point: Eurostat- (and IMF-) handbook –Compilation of expenditure components => regional workshops, ICP-programme SDMX-initiative

6 6 Future research agenda Starting point: SNA 2008, annex 4 Note: Dedicated webpage on ISWGNA-website hosted by the UNSD Not a priority for the next two years, unless a pressing and immediate need arises Preparing for future discussions: –Grouping and prioritisation of issues –Preparing issues papers –Setting up organisation –Note: National initiatives to conduct preparatory work or presenting issues welcome

7 7 Connecting to ongoing work in the broader remits of national accounts Follow-up of SSF-report and “GDP and beyond”, especially related to households => provide worldwide recommendations IAG on the G-20 Financial Crisis and Data Gaps Initiative

8 8 Organisation and communication: role of the AEG, technical groups Full involvement of the Advisory Expert Group (AEG): –Pending issues –Issues for further guidance (R&D, globalisation, etc.) –Programme for development of manuals and guidelines, including possible follow-up after finalisation –More general issues (NOE, QNA, etc.) –Preparation and organisation of the future research agenda –Issues related to well-being Annual meetings Technical groups: as far as possible under the auspices of the ISWGNA/AEG

9 9 Organisation and communication: general Goal: More worldwide coordination of work related to the implementation of the (2008) SNA Formal annual reporting to UNSC Communication: –Website UNSD –Regular reporting on progress in SNA News and Notes –Annual feedback to relevant working groups at regional level Note: Global consultation in relevant cases

10 10 Points for discussion Does the AEG agree with the postponement of the future research agenda? Does the AEG agree with the main priorities, especially the ones related to providing further guidance? Does the AEG have suggestions for further enhancing the communication about (the implementation of) the 2008 SNA? Would the AEG like to add other lines of work in the coming two years?

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