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PURPOSE: Setting up a proxy is highly recommended for all Web Time Entry Approvers. Whenever you are out of the office and Time needs to be approved your.

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2 PURPOSE: Setting up a proxy is highly recommended for all Web Time Entry Approvers. Whenever you are out of the office and Time needs to be approved your Proxy can do that for you. 1.Sign into URSA 2.Click on Banner 3.Click on Link to Banner 8 Self Service Link to Banner 8 Self Service 1. Employee folder 2. Time Sheet folder 4.Click on “Proxy Set up” at the bottom of the page 5.Click on the drop down box and select the name of the person you want to be able to approve your time for you. If they approve a Timesheet as PROXY their name appears as the Approver! 6.Then click the Add Remove box and click SAVE This is the same way you REMOVE them. You need to remember to Remove Proxy’s as they leave your area or no long your proxy. 7.Call or email payroll with your proxy’s name and Org If you do not see their name in the drop down box – additional security is needed. Please call Payroll. 1.2946

3 Click on Banner Tab at the top Then in the right channel click on the Banner Self Service Folder Then Employee Folder Then Timesheet Folder

4 Click on “Proxy Set Up”

5 1.Use the Drop down arrow to scroll thru the available names; they are in order by Last Name. If their name isn’t available they don’t have security set up to be a proxy and you need to contact Payroll. 2. Click the “Add Remove” box If you are adding a Proxy – click the Box and a check mark will appear If you are removing a name you will click on the box and the check mark will disappear. 3.SAVE 4. Email payroll who your proxy is and the ORG you want them to proxy for. If you don’t they can’t proxy in that ORG!

6 QUESTIONS? Call Payroll at 351-2700

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