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History Journal Website Set-up Instructions. 1. Sign in to Blackboard 2. Go to Section 1 in Topics and Assignments 3. Scroll down and click on link to.

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Presentation on theme: "History Journal Website Set-up Instructions. 1. Sign in to Blackboard 2. Go to Section 1 in Topics and Assignments 3. Scroll down and click on link to."— Presentation transcript:

1 History Journal Website Set-up Instructions

2 1. Sign in to Blackboard 2. Go to Section 1 in Topics and Assignments 3. Scroll down and click on link to journal website Click on link to journal

3 Do you get to this page? If so, click on this link

4 Then, follow the step below: Type in your student email address: It has to end with

5 That Should Do It!!!!! Hopefully the journal webpage opened for you. If it did, then create your page using the instructions I gave you in the Section One folder in Blackboard Email me if this does not work for you. Or come by my office hours and we can set up the page together.

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