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BLAISE PASCAL ~ a brief biographical sketch by ~ Carl J. Wenning.

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Presentation on theme: "BLAISE PASCAL ~ a brief biographical sketch by ~ Carl J. Wenning."— Presentation transcript:

1 BLAISE PASCAL ~ a brief biographical sketch by ~ Carl J. Wenning

2 Blaise Pascal French mathematician, philosopher, and religious figure Born: Clermont on June 19, 1623 Died: Paris on August 19, 1662

3 Most notable accomplishments Pascal’s triangle for binomial expansion Pascal’s principle - when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.

4 Vacuums & Barometers Studied free space above mercury level in barometers - believed in vacuum Showed through experiment that air pressure decreases with increasing height

5 Pascal’s Vases In his investigations of the barometer, he found that the height to which the mercury rose in a vessel was the same regardless of shape.

6 Pascal’s Wager First use of truth table A single paragraph of Pensees The best possible consequence that a atheist can hope for is the worst possible situation an theist can attain. Ergo, it is better to believe. God does exist God does not exist I do believe I go to heaven No consequence I do not believe I go to hellNo consequence

7 Icon and Death Mask

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