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NEAT What is NEAT? Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis The energy expended from your daily activities that is not induced from eating or exercise. Walking.

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3 What is NEAT? Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis The energy expended from your daily activities that is not induced from eating or exercise. Walking Many of us spend 8-12 hours per day in a chair at a desk Couple this with 6-8 hours per night sleeping Some people commute 1-2 hours per day to and from work Blood sugar and blood fats rise

4 NEAT If you are idle for long periods, energy utilisation is a lot less Overweight individuals tend to be seated for 2.5 hrs longer per day than sedentary lean people How can increasing NEAT assist with weight loss? By increasing your NEAT you could potentially increase your calorie expenditure by 350 calories per day

5 NEAT Over the course of one day this amount is small, however multiplied over the period of a week and a year the increase in your metabolic rate will be significant. Walking after eating? Lowers blood sugar Clinical Trials

6 NEAT How to increase NEAT? Walk to work if possible Park further from work and walk Get off public transport further from work and walk Take the stairs instead of lift Walk to fill up your water bottle every hour

7 NEAT Walk to speak to colleagues instead of calling or emailing Go for a walk at lunch with friends Go for a walk after work Use a pedometer. Either buy one or download a free pedometer phone app. Aim to increase your amount of steps to around 10,000 per day

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