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Senate & House Comparison AP GoPo. Bicameralism Two house legislature Purpose: – James Madison “In order to control the legislative authority, you must.

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Presentation on theme: "Senate & House Comparison AP GoPo. Bicameralism Two house legislature Purpose: – James Madison “In order to control the legislative authority, you must."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senate & House Comparison AP GoPo

2 Bicameralism Two house legislature Purpose: – James Madison “In order to control the legislative authority, you must divide it” – Type of checks & balances – One house checks the other – Joined houses check the presidency

3 Representation House is designed to be more responsive to constituency – All 435 serve for 2 years & are up for re-election at the same time Senate is designed to have more “insulation” from factions – Serve 6 year terms; 1/3 elected at a time

4 Size 435 members of the House 100 members of the Senate

5 Qualifications House: – 25 years old – Citizen for 7 years – Must be a resident of the state, but don’t need to live in their district – *considered to be less predictable than Senate by Framers – Special elections held to fill vacancies

6 Qualifications Senate: – 30 years old – Citizen for 9 years – Resident of state – Originally selected by state legislatures Changed with the 17 th Amendment – Governors appointed senators to vacant seats

7 Who represents NJ? Senate: – House: –

8 Controlling Party NJ: U.S.: – House: – Senate:

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