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Student Growth Supporting Teachers, Students and New Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Growth Supporting Teachers, Students and New Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Growth Supporting Teachers, Students and New Challenges

2 Student Achievement  We expect growth  We want to know where student start  We can set goals for where students will end

3 Student Growth Objectives Round One

4 “TEACHNJ” is a bipartisan tenure reform act approved unanimously by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Christie on August 6, 2012. The goal of the law is to “raise student achievement by improving instruction through the adoption of evaluations that provide specific feedback to educators, inform the provision of aligned professional development, and inform personnel decisions.”




8 What is an SGO?




12 Geometry : [General-Tiered] 80% of my continuously enrolled students attending 85% of the time during math instruction will show proficiency on at least 7 of 10 as part of a district-based geometry skill assessment. The remaining students will increase proficiency on 5 of the 10 tasks. Chemistry: [General] 80% of my continuously enrolled students attending 85% of the time will meet a designated target score on an Honors Chemistry cumulative exam. Phys. Ed : [General] 80% of my continuously enrolled students attending 85% of the time of greater will improve by 20% their performance on the Presidential Physical Fitness Assessment. Technology : [Specific, Performance] 80% of my continuously enrolled students attending 85% of the time will be able to successfully integrate audio and video into an iMovie project scored by a teacher-created rubric.



15 Performance Rubric


17 Analyze Scores: Set Targets


19 Getting Started Guide Book provided by NJ DOE Found in the Curriculum Center Folder on your FirstClass Desktop

20 Getting Started

21 The Timeline

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