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I am a church member. FunctioningUnifyingSelflessHealthyGift.

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Presentation on theme: "I am a church member. FunctioningUnifyingSelflessHealthyGift."— Presentation transcript:

1 I am a church member

2 FunctioningUnifyingSelflessHealthyGift

3 Functioning Unifying Selfless Healthy Gift

4 Tale of the Two Michael perseveres different kind of member Liam disengaged decides to leave

5 membership means…

6 We are all necessary parts of the whole 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

7 membership means… We are all different but we all Work Together

8 membership means… Our actions and speech are based on Christ’s Love

9 membership means… Church membership is Functioning Membership

10 I am a church member

11 Functioning Unifying Selfless Healthy Gift

12 membership means… Being Known by Your Love for One Another: John 13:31-35

13 membership means… Avoiding Gossip and Negative Talk: Romans 1:29-31

14 membership means… Forgiving: Matthew 6:14-15

15 membership means… Church membership is United: John 17

16 I am a church member

17 Functioning Unifying Selfless Healthy Gift

18 membership means… Service Focused: Mark 9:35

19 membership means… Refusing to be Inwardly Focused: Worship Wars Prolonged Minutia Meetings Facility Focus Program Driven Inwardly Focused Budget

20 membership means… Refusing to be Inwardly Focused: Attitudes of Entitlement Greater Concern for Change than the Gospel Anger Hostility Evangelistic Indifference

21 membership means… Desiring the Mind of Christ : Philippians 2:5-11

22 membership means… Understanding that the Church is not about My Preferences and Desires

23 Functioning Unifying Selfless Healthy Gift

24 membership means… Praying Together as a Family for the Church for: Spiritual Protection Protection from Moral Decay Courage to tell the Good News The Families of the Church

25 membership means… Praying Together as a Family for the Church for: Encouragement Physical Strength Positivity Discernment and Wisdom in Direction and Leadership

26 membership means… Worshiping Together as a Family:

27 membership means… Falling Deeply in Love with the Bride of Christ: As a Church Member, I am not: merely to like the church merely to serve the church

28 membership means… As a Church Member, I am to fall deeply in love with the church.

29 I am a church member

30 Functioning Unifying Selfless Healthy Gift

31 I will Treasure Church Membership as… A Gift Received through Salvation

32 I will Treasure Church Membership as… A Gift Necessary to Cosmic Renewal

33 I will Treasure Church Membership as… A Gift to be Appreciated and Enjoyed

34 Church Membership is to be: Spirit-Filled…Christ-Focused… Functioning… Unifying… Selfless Body… which Grows in Health as it Reaches Out and Up in Love… Only when this is realized will membership really live up to its potential and be a Gift… Only then will it truly take part in Restoring God’s Peace.

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