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UNR activities in FSC Y. Sentoku and T. E. Cowan $40K from FSC to support a graduate student, Brian Chrisman, “Numerical modeling of fast ignition physics”.

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Presentation on theme: "UNR activities in FSC Y. Sentoku and T. E. Cowan $40K from FSC to support a graduate student, Brian Chrisman, “Numerical modeling of fast ignition physics”."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNR activities in FSC Y. Sentoku and T. E. Cowan $40K from FSC to support a graduate student, Brian Chrisman, “Numerical modeling of fast ignition physics”.

2 List of activities Modeling of cone-guiding fast ignition by PICLS. Hot electron temperature scaling by changing the cone target density. (B. Chrisman) Modeling of nail target experiment. (Collaboration with UCSD) Perfect energy conservation scheme of relativistic collision between weighted particles. (previous model conserves energy and momentum statistically.)

3 Summary of Cone-Guiding Fast Ignition Simulation Cone-Guiding Fast ignition simulation Electron energy density evolution The Weibel instability occurs below and around 100n c density. No magnetic filament appears around the core. The dominant core heating mechanism is identified as drag heating between hot and bulk electrons and consequent energy cascading from the bulk electrons to the core ions. Hot electron temperature is inversely proportional to the square root of the cone target density, T h [MeV] ~ (I/10 19 W/cm 2  m 2 )(  n t /n c ) 1/2, n t : target density, after preplasma is blown off by the laser pressure. Hot electron temperature is tunable by changing the cone target density. Laser intensity: 10 20 W/cm 2

4 The Weibel instability occurs below and around 100n c density. No magnetic filament appears around the core. Kinetic instabilities are collisionally dumped in high density region > 100n c. Laser intensity: 10 20 W/cm 2

5 1/2 plasma skin length at cut-off: λ s0 [MeV] plasma skin length of solid density: λ s Electron acceleration distance shrinks after pre-plasma blown off by super intense laser irradiation Interaction (acceleration) length L=λ s0 =c/ω 0 (a) Preplasma (L>λ s0 ) (b) After preplasma blown off (L<λ s0 ) Interaction (acceleration) length L=λ s =γ 1/2 c/ω ps Acceleration distance will be (γn c /n s ) 1/2 shorter in the steep case, then Ponderomotive scaling Steepened by photon pressure Modified Ponderomotive scaling

6 Demonstration of Modified T h scaling by PIC - T h ∝ 1/sqrt(n) - After the pre-plasma has been blown away, the hot electron temperature drops, though energy coupling from the laser to hot e- stays almost constant. 2D results by changing cone target density Energy coupling is calculated in 2.5  m spot along the laser- axis behind the cone target. Laser intensity: 10 20 W/cm 2

7 Quasi-half spherical expansion from tip time Propagation of fast electrons along wire @ ~c time Comparison cone/cone+wire - radiography LULI-100 TW (July 2006): J. Fuchs, M. Borghesi, O. Willi, R. Kodama, et al. (+UNR students)

8 time LULI-100 TW (July 2006): J. Fuchs, M. Borghesi, O. Willi, R. Kodama, et al. (+UNR students)

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