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EUROPE ADRIATIC SEA-WAY EA SEA-WAY 4 th Coordination meeting & SCM March, 03 2015 Shkoder, Albania Dubrovnik Neretva County, FB4.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROPE ADRIATIC SEA-WAY EA SEA-WAY 4 th Coordination meeting & SCM March, 03 2015 Shkoder, Albania Dubrovnik Neretva County, FB4."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROPE ADRIATIC SEA-WAY EA SEA-WAY 4 th Coordination meeting & SCM March, 03 2015 Shkoder, Albania Dubrovnik Neretva County, FB4

2 WP2 - COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION Dubrovnik Neretva county as one of Final Beneficiaries in EA SEA-WAY is in charge of WP2 – Communication and dissemination. The main goals of WP2 are: -ensuring good visibility of the project -raising awareness of key stakeholders and target groups

3 Outputs for WP2: 1.Communication Plan 2.Creation of the project website and visual identity 3.Database of target groups and stakeholders 4.Press conferences / articles 5.Project publications 6.Final Cross Border conference 7.Open days to present the pilot action 8.Regional / national conferences 9.Promotion materials in English and National language

4 OutputsNmbResponsable FBDeadlineAchived Communication plan 1 Dubrovnik Neretva County 28.02.2014.  Website 1 Dubrovnik Neretva County 28.02.2014.  Visual identity 1 Dubrovnik Neretva County 28.02.2014.  Database of target groups/stakeholders 1 Dubrovnik Neretva County with all FBs 30.03.2015. Last request sent on 17.02.2015. Press conference / articles 50All FBs28.02.2016. Press release (4); web news (18); web article (29); press article (5) Project publication 1 Dubrovnik Neretva County with all FBs 28.02.2016. Final CB conference 1 Dubrovnik Neretva County 28.02.2016.Plan 12/2015 Open days to present pilot action 14 LB, FB2, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 28.02.2016.1 open day - LP Regional / national cenference 10 FB3,4,8,9,10,11,12,13,16 28.02.2016. 1 regional conference – FB9 Promotion materials in English and National language 9 Dubrovnik Neretva County with all FBs 28.02.2016. 

5 Project Partners obligations: Deliver all necessary documents Send articles (events, news) including images to update the website Send all relevant informations for Project realisation and ongoing activities Communication – email - website (username and password)

6 PartnerStakeholder listInfoProject involvement LPFriuli Venezia Giulia Region  FB1Informest  FB2Ravenna Province  FB3ERFC  FB4Dubrovnik Neretva Region  FB5Region of Istria  FB6Levante Port Authority  FB7Ancona Port Authority  FB8Sistemi Territoriali SPA  FB9Molise Region  FB10Region Abruzzo 

7 PartnerStakeholder listInfoProject involvement FB11University of Ljubljana  FB12University of Belgrade  FB13Port of Bar Holding Company  FB14Teuleda  FB15Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure  FB16University of Sarajevo  FB17Port of Split  FB18County of Primorje and Gorski Kotar  FB19Igoumenitsa Port 

8 AssociateStakeholder listInfoProject involvement Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport - Italy Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial planning - Slovenia  Ministry of Shipping, Maritime affaires and Aegean - Greece Ministry of maritime affaires, Transport and Infrastructure - Croatia Ministry of Communication and Transport – Bosnia and Hercegovina  Coastal Liner Services agency Split – Croatia  Emilia Romagna Region – Italy Marche Region - Italy

9 AssociateStakeholder listInfoProject involvement Venice Port Authority – Italy Veneto Region – Italy Apulia Region – Italy Province of Pescara – Italy  Municipality of Pescara – Italy Decentralised Administration of Peloponnese, Western Greece and Ionian Islands - Greece Corfu Port Authority SA – Greece Torw of Ortona - Italy

10 TARGET GROUPS Target groups are those groups that have direct / indirect benefit from the project in short or long terms The result achieved through acting on target group is recorded in Communication plan Database of stakeholders – LAST deadline 31.03.2015. (30.03.2014.; 31.07.2014., 31.11.2014.) Output: 1 unified database of stakeholders and target groups created, shared and filled Download example from website

11 LIST OF TARGET GROUPS : Project Partners, JTS Public Sector stakeholders, Transport policy makers Ports, airports, Passenger Service providers; Cruise operators; urban/ regional public transport Technical and Reserch Centres, Universities Private and civil Sector stakeholders Tourist operators Passenger, local citizens (Resident and Tourists) EU institutions ( European Parliament; European Commision; Commitee of the Regions) Media (TV, radio, newspapers, web sites)

12 EVENTS / AWARENESS RAISING CAMPAIGNS 1. Press conferences / articles (50) - all FBs responsible 2. Open days (14) – FVG Region, Ravenna Province, Dubrovnik Neretva County, Region of Istra, Levante Port Authority, Sistemi Territoriali SPA, Molise Region, Port of Bar, Ministry of Public work and Transport Albania, Split Port Authority, Primorsko Goranska County, Igoumenitsa Port Authority 3. Regional / National conference (10) – ERFC, Dubrovnik Neretva County, Sistemi Terrotoriali SPA, Molise regione, Abruzzo region, University of Belgrade, Port of Bar, TEULEDA, University of Sarajevo 4. Final conference (1) - Dubrovnik Neretva County responsible

13 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ToolOutputs indicatorsResult indicators Website Number of pages published 129Number of visits3.783 Regularity of updates Weekly/monthly Number of hits per page345.890 Reference of the website5 Events Number of events organised 1 Open day; 1 regional conference Number of participants at the event 1-26; 1-60 Leaflets, brochure, promotional materials Number of materials created 9 Number of materials disseminated (?) Media tools Number of press releases issued 4Number of press articles52 Number of announcements sent (?) Number of participants to press conference(?) Social media Number of social networks set 1 Number of likes per social networks 8 Number of videos uploaded to youtube channel canceled Number of views of uploaded videos X

14 CONCLUSIONS and PROPOSALS: 1.Submit information for project web site 2.Deliver list of stakeholders (LAST deadline 31.03.2015.) 3.Regular information from partners on the implemented activities 4.Proactive approach to facilitate the realisation of project activities (open days and regional / national conferences) 5.Proactive approach in cooperation with press 6.Check project web site for new information 7.Use project web site for download of promotional materials

15 THANK YOU FOR YOU ATTENTION! March, 03 2015 Shkoder, Albania Dubrovnik Neretva County FB4

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