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Power of Observation Mr. Pratt – Farmington Jr. High.

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Presentation on theme: "Power of Observation Mr. Pratt – Farmington Jr. High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power of Observation Mr. Pratt – Farmington Jr. High

2 Take a look at this picture

3 Questions 1.Are there cars parked on the sides of the road? 2.Describe the truck driving down the road. 3.Were there any street signs on the side of the road? What kind? 4.Any minivans around? 5.What does the bluish-greenish sign say? 6.What’s the speed limit? 7.Are there any pedestrians on the road?


5 Answers 1.Yes 2.Blue 3.Yes 4.Yard Sale 5.35 mph 6.No

6 Observation Activity #2 investigator observer  Get with a partner: one of you is the investigator, the other is the observer. observers investigators should not look  Allow the observers to look at the picture for 30 seconds. The investigators should not look at the picture. investigators  After 30 seconds, the investigators should begin questioning the observers.  Each investigator should question each observer. Then, the investigators should attempt to reconstruct the scene based on the "eyewitness testimony".


8 Questions to Ask 1.How many cars were in the intersection? 2.Across the street, are there any parked cars on the side? a.Can you describe at least one of the cars driving through the intersection? 3.Are there any other potential witnesses? a.If they answer yes, ask the following question: What was this witness doing? Where was he? 4.What was the speed limit? 5.Was there anyone parked in the first parking spot?

9 Answers 1.2 cars 2.Yes; large white van or blue-ish SUV 3.Yes; there was a person mowing a lawn across the street 4.35 5.No

10 Observations  Use one or more of the 5 senses to gather information about the world around you  Turn and ask your neighbor about two (2) things they observed today

11 Inferences  A logical interpretation based upon prior knowledge, experiences, and observations  Turn and ask your OTHER neighbor two (2) things they inferred about Mr. Pratt on the first day of school.



14 Note the Differences  Observations are things that you know for sure!  In lab activities, you should record observations when collecting your data  Inferences are included in drawing conclusions

15 Observation vs Inference  On the next slide, state whether the statement is an observation or an inference.

16 1. There is a representation of a face on one side of the coin. 2. The Latin word "Dei" means "God." 3. The coin was made by deeply religious people. 4. The date 1722 is printed on one side of the coin. 5. The coin was made in 1722. 6. The face on the coin is a representation of the president.

17 How many legs does the elephant have?

18 Take a very close look at the 2 vertical lines. Is one line is longer than the other?

19 Think, Pair, Share o Think : What things can you observe in the image? What things can you infer? o Pair with somebody and share your thoughts. o Share out with the class.

20 Can you pick the tallest soldier?

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