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STUDY SKILLS Ms. Hesse General Education Program Director Interim Librarian Academic Coach Mentor Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY SKILLS Ms. Hesse General Education Program Director Interim Librarian Academic Coach Mentor Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDY SKILLS Ms. Hesse General Education Program Director Interim Librarian Academic Coach Mentor Coordinator

2 Is This You?

3 Is This Your Instructor?

4 Questions  Why are you here at school?  What do you hope for?  Students in the first term often fail tests. Why do you think that is?

5 This can be you!

6 Objectives  Given a list of goals, the student will create a deadline to meet each goal.  After instruction and discussion, students will list their three main goals for the course term in order of importance.  Given an hourly calendar, the students will record study times for each day.  Given the principles of time management, student will write a short essay that relates the principles to successful test taking.  Given three topics to choose from, a group of three students must choose one topic per person and debate the merit of each as it relates to time management.

7 What are Study Skills?  Habits to help you succeed  Setting goals  Scheduling  How to use your time  SQ3R  Notes  Preparing for Tests  Taking Tests

8 Setting Goals  Goals help people succeed  Have long-term, short-term and midrange goals  Long-term can be the entire program  Short term could be grades on quizzes

9 Break It Down  Divide up the task or goal into parts  Makes it easier than the whole at once  7 flashcards a day Hardest first  Outline, research, drafts, final  Set deadline for each part

10 Deadlines  Example: Pay for licensing exam after externship  Amount needed  Amount to put aside or collect  Due dates Every Friday? Every payday? Monthly? How flexible?

11 Term Calendar 1/16 Get assignments 1/171/18 Research topic 1/19 1/201/211/22 1/23 Do Outline 1/241/251/26 1/271/281/29 1/30 Write draft 1/312/1 Revise draft 2/2 2/32/42/5 2/62/7 Edit draft 2/82/9 2/10 Begin Final Write 2/112/12 2/132/142/152/16 Paper due 2/172/182/19 2/202/212/222/23 Last Day of Class Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun.

12 More Questions for You  How do you study?  What does your study time look like?  How often and how much do you study?

13 Time Management  Studying and Taking Tests  Peak study time  Minimize Distractions After children’s bedtime In quiet location  Amount of time per topic

14 Scheduling  Make a schedule  Stick to it  Find the time  Everyone will have different times  Allow for appointments, events, etc.  Plan for unexpected events  Give yourself plenty of time

15 Make a Schedule  Fill in your schedule, giving yourself some free time. Be realistic. sample SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 6amSleep inCleanStudy study 7amfamilystudyWork Family time 8 amClean house studyWork shopping 9 amstudyerrandsWork study 10 am StudyWork study 11 am StudyWork Lunch/studystudyKid’s soccer noonchurchLunch study Lunch study Lunch study work Flash cards

16 Make the Most of Your Study Time  Have all your tools with you  Turn off the phone and the TV  If you lose focus, switch topics or method  Flashcards  reading (or vice versa)  Theory  terminology  Write down the nagging thoughts to deal with later

17 Managing Tests  Find out how many questions there are  Know how much time for the test  Allot certain amount of time per question  Example 20 questions, 10 minutes 30 seconds per question If you answer more quickly, use remaining time to check

18 Topics for Debate  In groups of three, each person chooses one:  Setting goals can help students study more efficiently.  Creating a block of time in which to study daily maximizes performance on tests.  Minimizing distractions is possible even in a hectic environment. (Explain how and why.)

19 Use Your Skills for Success!

20 SQ3R  Survey  Question  Read  Recite  Review

21 SQ3R

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