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A Brief History of Russia (Part 1) From Early Days to 1917.

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1 A Brief History of Russia (Part 1) From Early Days to 1917

2 Ancient Russia (Until 1600): “Rus” is founded at Novgorod (about 862 AD) Kiev becomes capital (882 AD) Moscow becomes capital (1271) Mongols (Tartars) dominate Russia (1240- 1480) Russia freed of the Mongols (1480)

3 Moscow Kremlin (Московский Кремль) Original Stone Fortress – 1320s Current Walls built 1485-1495 St. Basils Cathedral – 1555-1561

4 Ruled for over 40 years Married 7 times Ruled through fear & killed political rivals, including family. Ivan IV (The Terrible) first Tsar in 1547

5 Tsarist Era (1600-1917): Romanov Tsars come to power and industrialize Russia

6 Peter the Great (1689-1725) Traveled throughout Western Europe Began a program of Westernization for Russia Built St. Petersburg and made it the capital Successfully expanded Russian territory

7 Fashion of the late 1600’s Russia Western Europe

8 Catherine The Great (1762-1796) Became Empress when she overthrew her husband in 1762 Continued to expand and westernize Russia

9 The Hermitage Home of the Czars

10 *Nicholas II – (Last Czar of Russia) Alexandra – Tsarina Four Daughters – Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia Tsarevich Alexei – Born with hemophilia (a blood disease)

11 Rasputin (The Mad Monk) Only person who could heal Prince Alexei. Russian Revolution-1917 Royal family taken prisoner by the Bolsheviks. *Russian Royal Family Assassinated In 1918

12 < Anastasia Romanov Anna Anderson >

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