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First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -1 The Vacuum Interlock System for.

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Presentation on theme: "First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -1 The Vacuum Interlock System for."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -1 The Vacuum Interlock System for the TLS Storage Ring Gao-Yu Hsiung Tsai-Fu Lin Tzong-Shyan Ueng Zong-Da Tsai June-Rong Chen

2 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -2 Abstract In order to protect the vacuum system for the Taiwan Light Source (TLS), a vacuum interlock system has been developed. The status of all the vacuum devices, including the sector gate valves, ionization gauges, and the pumps, are monitored and hence the vacuum system can be protected as soon as a vacuum failure happened. In addition, an alarm system has been established to monitor the temperature of vacuum chamber as well as the flow rate of cooling water system, to avoid the vacuum chambers from melt-down. Recently, the interlock system has been upgraded by including the interlock systems of all the front ends and the temperature alarm system to assure the vacuum quality of the storage ring. This interlock system has been functioned well since the first operation. The architecture of logic design and the features of the interlock system will be described. Besides, a program has been established for archiving the readings of all the vacuum devices and the temperature monitoring systems that can be accessed through the internet for real time comparison of the relationship of various signals. Some experiences of unexpected failures or the malfunctions of the vacuum devices will also be illustrated.

3 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -3 Taiwan Light Source (TLS) ID in operation W20 (1995) 4 ~ 15 keV U10 (1995) 3 ~ 500 eV U5 (1997) 60 ~ 1500 eV U9 (1999) 4 ~ 100 eV EPU5.6 (1999) 60 ~ 1400 eV SWLS (2002) 4 ~ 30 keV SW6 (2004) 6.5 ~ 19 keV New ID in planning 1× EPU-II (2006) 3× IASW6 (2006)  1993 – Operation 1.3 GeV  1996 – Ramping to 1.5 GeV  2000 – 1.5 GeV Full Energy Injection (200 mA)  2004 – Operation with Superconducting RF Cavity  Circumference – 120 m  Critical Energy – 2.14 keV  Natural Emittance – 25 n mrad  Average Pressure (200 mA) – 90 nPa (Dose ~ 8000 Ah)  Life Time – 10 h VUVSXHX VUV SX VUV HX SX HX

4 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -4 TLS Vacuum Interlock System (since 1993) Assembly of Interlock System Mosaic Display Panel PLC control UPS + Emergency Elec. P/S Dry contact interface LED Lamps (Status) Green – Ready, Open, Enable Red – Fault, Close Red Flash – Not Ready Off – Disable Button (Control) - Push twice in 3 sec for switching and confirming 3.2 m 2.2 m Control modes - “Auto” shut off / trip closed - “Manual” turn on / press open

5 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -5 Layout of Vacuum Devices (1/6 Section) Straight Section Bending Section Front Ends : Sector GV (SGV) : Pumping GV (PGV) SGV1 SGV2 PGV1 PGV2 PGV3 PGV4 --- IG --- --- IP --- --- TMP+DP ---

6 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -6 Layout of 1/6 Section Control Panel Straight Section Bending Section Logic 2 TMP Isolation Logic 1 IG Protection Logic 4 IP Protection Logic 3 SGV Permission 2 2 1 1 4 4 3 3 TMP/DP Roughing IP IG SGV (to Upstream Section)(to Downstream Section)

7 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -7 The Protection Logic Design Logic 1 – IG Protection (from burning off)  IG* "on" permitted when TMP normal (< 1E-2 Pa). (* Two IG’s or more in the same section determine the pressure.) Logic 2 – TMP Isolation (from UHV)  TMP Isolated (PGV closed) when IG < 4E-8 Pa. Logic 3 – SGV Permission (for UHV)  SGV open permitted when IG < 1.3E-4 Pa. Logic 4 – IP Protection (from μ-dust production)  IP on permitted when IG < 1.3E-4 Pa.

8 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -8 Temperature Monitoring System and Alarm Procedure Temperature Monitoring System PLC Alarm Procedure Cooling Water - Flow Rate (Fw)) Vacuum Chamber - Temperature (Tch) Tch > 35 °C (Alarm level) ? Fw < 3 L/min ? t > 15 min ? Button Reset

9 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -9 Renew TLS Vacuum Interlock System (since 2004) 1/6 Section Straight Section Bending Section Front Ends IG IP IG IP BLV IG  Vacuum of Front Ends – Included  Status of Tch and Fw – Included  TMP Roughing Systems – Removed Front End Interlock System Tch Fw Temperature Monitoring System 4 4 3 3 5 (Remaining)

10 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -10 The Protection Logic Design (renew) Logic 3 – SGV Permission (for UHV)  SGV open permitted when IG < 1.3E-4 Pa. Logic 4 – IP Protection (from μ-dust production)  IP on permitted when IG < 1.3E-4 Pa. Logic 5 – FE Vacuum Ready  SGV open allowed when FE IG < 1.3E-6 Pa and the BLV (Beam Line Valve between B-chamber and FE) opened. A Tch/Fw fault lasted longer than 15 min without reset will trip one of SGV closed.

11 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandG. Y. Hsiung -11 Data Archiving System Concept Layout of Structure Hardware and Software Features 1.Categories of signals to be selected. 2.Date to be selected. 3.Number of Dates to be quoted. 4.Mathematic applications. 5.Transfer to a text-format data file. 6.Functional non-zero, formula, re-scale,… 1 23 45 6

12 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandG. Y. Hsiung -12 Concept Diagnostics by retrieving the historical data Compare the signals between different subsystems Access easily (fast and friendly) Remote archive (in the office, at home, worldwide, etc.) Local display (on PC) Mathematic applications +/-, statistics (σ), FFT, Normalize, …

13 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandG. Y. Hsiung -13 Layout of Structure (a) (a) 2 servers for data storage (b) (b) 1 mirror server for internet access (Viewer outside NSRRC). Ethernet Hub Sub-systems - Magnet, Safety, ILC control Viewer inside NSRRC Local PC’s (FE/PBPM,…) Other sub-systems (Utilities, water, …) (c) (c) Machine Sub-Systems(Mechanical Positioning) (Chiller)

14 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, SwitzerlandG. Y. Hsiung -14 Contents of Archive system Hardware PC – for data storage Servers – for data retrieving, Mirror (for internet) Hubs UPS Software Operation System (XP, Win2000, etc.) Programming – Labview, Matlab, Active X, etc. Features Data acquisition rate – 1 s, 10 s, 30 s,.. Number of signals in all system – 5500 Archive speed – internet access dependent Capacity – 300 GB; 2 servers + 1 mirror server; collecting data since July, 2001.

15 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -15 Problems subjected to the Operation Noise pickup to the gauge Synchrotron Radiation Hitting Problems High Temperature Baking Problems Radiation Damage Problems

16 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -16 Noise pickup to the gauge The reading of a gauge near a kicker changed due to the noise pickup when kicker was fired. It has been solved by shielding the gauge with Al foil and isolating the grounding of kicker from the chambers.

17 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -17 Synchrotron Radiation Hitting Problems Mass spectrum near a bending chamber shows CxFy contamination from the O-ring of a gate valve (BLV) that subjected the synchrotron irradiation. All the BLV’s have been replaced by all metal ones afterwards.

18 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -18 High Temperature Baking Problems A feedthrough of the ion pump was broken due to high voltage sparking when degassing during the baking. Number of times for switching the IP on are reduced to < 3 times.

19 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -19 Radiation Damage Problems An O-ring for a turbo-molecular pump located near the extraction chamber of 1.5 GeV booster synchrotron was damaged after high dosage rate irradiation. The pumps with O-ring contained will be removed from high dosage area after using.

20 First Workshop on the Operation of LArge Vacuum Systems, April 11-12th 2005, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland G. Y. Hsiung -20 Summaries The vacuum interlock system runs well. No malfunction has been found. Renewed interlock system includes all the front ends that vacuum performance of SR is more assured. The archiving program is useful for the machine diagnostics and the machine performance can be improved a lot after solving those problems. Development of the programs for the auto-correlation system are undergoing.

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