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Raising Children and How to Find a Happy Medium Topics included: Religion Education Discipline Name Choice.

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1 Raising Children and How to Find a Happy Medium Topics included: Religion Education Discipline Name Choice

2 Religion How do you decide what religion to raise your children? Many couples come to blows when it comes to what religion to choose for their children How do you overcome these obstacles and decide? Communication is key. There may be one spouse who is more devoted to their religion than the other. If you choose your spouses religion take the time to learn about what is expected of your child as they grow up in this religion. It is also important as a couple for you and your husband to discuss what is expected of the other when raising a child with a specific religion

3 Religion: What to do when you can’t agree on a specific religion If you and your partner can’t decide on one religion or the other, take bits and pieces from each religion to give your child the best of both worlds. OR find a new religion for your family that you and your husband can agree on, but what's most important is that you do agree. I have attached a helpful article from that discusses overcoming differences with your spouse regarding religion. Please review: and discuss a final outcome for you are your spouse “How to successfully Handle Religious Differences With Your Spouse” Write down two different outcomes you and your spouse have discussed.

4 Education Many parents struggle to decide on the type of education they want there children to receive. This section is going to discuss the two most popular types of schooling for children. Public Schools Vs. Private Schools

5 Private Schools Privately funded. Funding comes from tuition, grants, and fundraisers from parents. Differentiated learning, advanced curriculum, and programs that are geared towards a specific religious belief. Push for higher education Smaller classes, which means more one on one time with teachers Less extracurricular activities

6 Public Schools Public Schools cannot charge tuition Specific curriculum teachers must follow and taught to students. Broader curriculum, religion is sometimes frowned upon or not allowed to be discussed in teachings. Push for graduation Larger classes, which means less one on one time with teachers More extra curricular activities

7 Discipline Please review the article from the about parenting site. There are four different types of parenting. Review them all and discuss and choose up to two that work best to fit you and your spouses parenting styles. Discipline-Strategies-And-Parenting-Styles.htm Discipline-Strategies-And-Parenting-Styles.htm Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, Uninvolved, and discuss how to determine a broad discipline strategy.

8 Discipline Authoritarian: Establish the rules and what is expected of the child Authoritative: Establish rules, followed by positive reinforcement and praise. Permissive: Not much discipline involved, only involved if something serious happens. Uninvolved: Neglectful of their children's needs, unaware.

9 Deciding on a name for your baby! Many times parents have completely different points of view when it comes to naming their sweet baby. Here are a few tips and popular names to help you decide on the perfect name for your little blessing. Follow the link and read the article with your spouse “13 tips and tricks for choosing your baby name”. Ultimately you shouldn’t choose until you both agree on a name so together come up with your two favorite girls names, and two favorite boy names as well as maybe a some ideas on a middle name. It is always important to brainstorm with your partner. picking-name/ picking-name/

10 Baby Names!!

11 Camtasia Video

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