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Guam. We live in the area with the red star Here is our home in Guam. We live on the US Navy base. It is easy to see that we have a tropical climate-

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Presentation on theme: "Guam. We live in the area with the red star Here is our home in Guam. We live on the US Navy base. It is easy to see that we have a tropical climate-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guam

2 We live in the area with the red star

3 Here is our home in Guam. We live on the US Navy base. It is easy to see that we have a tropical climate- this picture was taken in January and the dominate trees are Palms Katelee gets on the bus where I am standing taking the picture.

4 Katelee is welcomed to her new school- McCool Elementary/Middle School (MEMS) It is named after Commander William McCool- he was a pilot on the ill-fated Columbia Space Shuttle (His dad was in the Air Force and he lived in Guam for part of his childhood)

5 Katelee and Andrew on her first day at her new school All of the houses here on base are being remodeled with tile floors. Carpet is too difficult to clean up and prevent mold growth after a typhoon!

6 Katelee took this picture of me at the Cetti Bay overlook Below- Cetti Bay Bottom right- Looking inland at Mount LamLam

7 Fort Soledad Magellan landed here in 1521

8 View of the City area

9 Two Lovers Point

10 Fish Eye Marine Park You go out on a pier and then down stairs to an under water viewing area to see the fishes in their real habitat

11 Around the house Andrew joins in with the construction crew and the housework Playing inside and outside

12 Swimming, Biking, Playgroup and Naps (how we spend our days)

13 The Chamorro Bunny

14 The End (for now) I hope to put together another little slide show about my trip to China! Even though we are having fun- I really miss you all !!! (really I do)

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