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Social. Newsbrands engage with social media Using Twitter to grow audiences Source: VOD Professional, survey May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Social. Newsbrands engage with social media Using Twitter to grow audiences Source: VOD Professional, survey May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social

2 Newsbrands engage with social media Using Twitter to grow audiences Source: VOD Professional, survey May 2012

3 Newsbrands engage with social media Producing some of the most popular news stories on Facebook Source: VOD Professional, survey May 2012

4 The influence of mainstream media on social in boosting conversation, buzz and video views Human rights group Invisible Children released viral video, Kony 2012, highlighting the atrocities committed by Ugandan war lord Joseph Kony Kony 2012 – The story

5 Kony 2012 – the video goes viral… It wasn’t until the story was reported on 7 th March by all the most important online and offline publications, including all major UK papers that the story went mainstream. Views boosted on the 7 th. A sudden boost of views occurred on 7 th March Kony 2012 – The story

6 PublisherArticles # www.sabotagetimes.com4 www.manmademag.com4 www.amnesty.org4 blogs.channel4.com3 Top 10 online publications by volume of articles Newsbrands played a key role in triggering buzz about Kony 2012 Kony 2012 – The story

7 7/8 th March 5/6 th March Video views: 9m Social media buzz: 238k Google Searches: Index 3 Video views: 55m Social media buzz: 1.5m Google Searches: Index 10 NEWS +611% +630% +333% The importance of mainstream media …in helping to create the most successful viral video of all time Kony 2012 – The story Sources: Video views, Invisible Children Social media buzz, Prophesee Google searches, Google Insight for Search

8 +44(0)20 7839 8935 Contact us

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