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Summer Institute 2015 July 13 - 23, 2015 Overview General Information Session Types Session Offerings Registration Forms Training Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Institute 2015 July 13 - 23, 2015 Overview General Information Session Types Session Offerings Registration Forms Training Needs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Summer Institute 2015 July 13 - 23, 2015

3 Overview General Information Session Types Session Offerings Registration Forms Training Needs

4 General Information Location Schedules STI-PD and Certificates Concession AMSTI Shirts

5 Location Spanish Fort High School 1 Plaza de Toros, Spanish Fort, AL 36527

6 K – 5 Year 1 Schedule

7 K – 5 Year 2 Schedule

8 6 – 8 Schedule

9 9-12 Schedule

10 STI-PD and Certificates SARIC will NOT enter STI-PD information from Summer Institute 2014 forward. Teachers MUST enroll themselves in each session they attend. STI-PD information is included in each teacher’s confirmation letter. Certificates will not be mailed until everyone has enrolled and received credit.

11 Concessions Snacks will be on sale during breaks and lunch. This will be coordinated through Spanish Fort High School’s administration.

12 AMSTI Shirts T-Shirts Polo's Lab Coats Linda Sims

13 Types of Sessions Summer Institute Compressed Training Online Training

14 Summer Institute 1.2 weeks (8 days) of Year 1 training during summer a.K-5 Math and Science b.6-8 Math or Science c.9-12 Math 2.1 school year of implementation 3.2 weeks of Year 2 training during summer +−×÷+−×÷

15 Compressed Training Teachers must complete a Year 1 and Year 2 Summer Institute prior to being eligible for Compressed or Online Training. AMSTI Science Technology Math

16 Online Training Same eligibility requirements as Compressed Training. Teacher receives module during their school’s assigned quarter. Requirements: – Complete the pre-test – Download all Power Points, videos, and documents – Study each lesson and then teach to your class – Upload pictures and write on message boards – Complete the post-test – Complete the course evaluation This course is self-paced, but teachers will need to work with it every week throughout the quarter to complete the training before kit return.

17 Grade Bands K-5 Math and Science 6-8 Math 6-8 Science 9-12 Math Additional Summer Institutes are required if a teachers changes grade bands.

18 Session Offerings Summer Institute Compressed Training Online Training Pre-Requisites

19 Summer Institute K-5 Math Year 1 and Year 2 K-5 Science Year 2 only 6-8 Math Year 2 only 6-8 Science Year 1 and Year 2 Algebra and Geometry Year 2 only

20 Compressed Training The following sessions will be embedded within Summer Institute: K-5 Science Year 2

21 Online Training Currently the following online trainings are available: Kindergarten: Weather, Living Things, Balls & Ramps First: Animals 2 by 2 Second: Soils, Organisms Third: Plant Growth, Chemical Tests Fourth: Animal Studies, Electric Circuits, Motion & Design Fifth: Ecosystems Sixth: Weather & Climate, Plate Tectonics, Sun-Earth-Moon, Planetary Systems Seventh: Biodiversity & Interdependence, Development & Reproduction of Organisms, Respiration & Circulation, Digestion & Motion Eighth: Forces & Motion; Motors & Simple Machines; Mixtures, Compounds, & Elements; Properties of Matter II K-5 math online training should be available starting Fall 2015.

22   Pre-Requisites  Science Notebooks and Math Journaling are now separate sessions from Summer Institute and are pre-requisites to Year 1 Science and Year 1 Math, respectively. Teachers will not be allowed to attend Summer Institute without these pre-requisites. Year 2 participants attended these sessions during their Year 1 training.

23   Pre-Requisites  Science Notebooks must be completed prior to attending any portion of Year 1 Science training. This year we are only offering Year 1 science for grades 6 – 8. Date: Wednesday, July 8 th from 8:00 – 3:30. Location: AMSTI-USA Training Room – New Location!!! – 93 Sidney Phillips Drive, Mobile, AL 36607

24 New Location!!!

25   Pre-Requisites  Math Journaling must be completed prior to attending any portion of Year 1 Math training. This training is administered online. Susan Andress will email teachers with information once she processes their registration forms. It takes about 3 hours to complete. Math specialists must view participants implementation plan to confirm completion of session.

26 Registration Forms Summer Institute Compressed Training

27 Summer Institute

28 We will not be able to pay stipends this year. However, we will be able to furnish the costs of the trainers, training supplies, training facility, teacher’s guides, and modules throughout the year.

29 Compressed Training

30 Individual School Needs Examples





35 Confirmation Letters After the deadline for registration forms, we will mail a confirmation packet to each participant’s home address. This packet will include – a letter listing registered sessions, dates, and STI- PD information – a map to Spanish Fort High School – a map of Spanish Fort High School classrooms – a name tag

36 Things to Remember Registration Forms are exclusively online and need to be submitted by Friday, May 1 st. If you have a teacher that is interested in traveling to attend a session that we are not offering or that is interested in online training, please contact Susan Andress. If you have questions, email Susan Andress at or call 665-4684.

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