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Reasons for US Imperialism US History: Spiconardi.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons for US Imperialism US History: Spiconardi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons for US Imperialism US History: Spiconardi

2 Starter What do you need in order to become an industrialized and manufacturing centered country?

3 Imperialism Imperialism  a policy of politically and economically controlling another country – Can you think of some examples?

4 Reasons for Imperialism The western frontier closes – “And now, four centuries from the discovery of America…the frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American History.” ~Frederick Jackson Turner America needed ground on which to expand Expansionism would renew the strength of America

5 Reasons for Imperialism “Keeping up with the Jones” – America saw European nations acquiring overseas colonies, so the U.S. had to remain competitive. Need for raw materials – Needed oil, rubber, lumber, etc. New Markets – The Industrial Revolution allowed Americans to manufacture more than American consumers could buy Needed new consumers

6 The White Man’s Burden The White Man’s Burden  A poem by Rudyard Kipling encouraging American imperialism in the Philippines. Based on the poem, what are two additional reasons for American Imperialism? – Civilize and Christianize “inferior” peoples – Help end famine and disease

7 The White Man’s Burden What is the irony in this political cartoon?

8 The White Man’s Burden According to this cartoon, what is the White Man’s Burden?

9 The White Man’s Burden According to this advertisement, why should people buy Pears’ Soap?

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