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A Personal experience Improving listening skills in English Faisal Altuwaim 19/11/2015 Saudi club in Leeds.

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Presentation on theme: "A Personal experience Improving listening skills in English Faisal Altuwaim 19/11/2015 Saudi club in Leeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Personal experience Improving listening skills in English Faisal Altuwaim 19/11/2015 Saudi club in Leeds

2  What is listening ? Why ?  I want a British accent !!  8.5 in IELTS ?  STOP! You are doing it wrong  Shut up and give me a perfect way !

3 What is listening ? Why ?  Why is it important ?  Communication  Knowledge  Listening and hearing  What is the difference ?

4 I want a British accent !!  Does it really matter ?  Pronunciation the Pronunciation  Law = Low ?  Dawn = Down ?  They don't understand me well  Longman Dictionary


6 STOP! That’s wrong  “My teacher is stupid” !!  Textbooks ?  Movies didn’t help me !

7 The perfect way !  Mindset  you play football ? Then go to the gym !!  Listen, Read and Speak  Choose your way. Documentary ? Movies? News?  Practice does not make perfect !


9 8.5 in IELTS ?  Don’t think about it  It is only one step  What if Einstein did IELTS ?  You are smarter than that Be LIMITLESS  SPELLING then SPELLING

10  Thank you all

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