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THE ASIA FOREST PARTNERSHIP An Update for The Twelfth Meeting of ASOF Naypyitaw, Myanmar, 1 August 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ASIA FOREST PARTNERSHIP An Update for The Twelfth Meeting of ASOF Naypyitaw, Myanmar, 1 August 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ASIA FOREST PARTNERSHIP An Update for The Twelfth Meeting of ASOF Naypyitaw, Myanmar, 1 August 2008

2 OUTLINE Refreshing about AFP 8th AFP Annual Meeting: Bali, 27 May 2009 AFP Dialogue on REDD and Combating Illegal Logging, Bali, 28-29 May 2009 Next Steps

3 ABOUT AFP A type-2 partnership launched at WSSD in Johanesburgh, 2002: among the few surviving from hundreds launched since WSSD Institutions comprise of Steering Committee (open for interested Partners) and a small Secretariat at CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia Currently 45 partners, incl. 20 from governments, 7 int’l organizations, 18 others.

4 ABOUT AFP Two key themes: (1)Reducing forest loss and degradation and enhancing forest cover to maintain the provision of forest products and ecosystem services, including mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, watershed and land resource protection, and conserving biological diversity; and (2)Combating illegal logging and associated trade.

5 ABOUT AFP AFP’s Goal: Promote cooperation and catalyze action among governments, civil society and business to achieve sustainable forest management in Asia and the Pacific and thereby maintain and enhance the provision of forest products and ecosystem services, and their contribution to human well-being.

6 AFP8 Partners Forum AFP Meetings are comprised of Partners Forum (on organizational matters) and Public Forum (thematic meeting) 8th AFP’s Public Forum was held in Bali, 27 May 2009, attended by around 50 participants, incl. Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia Elected Japan as Vice Chair of Steering Committee. China as former Vice-Chair automatically becomes Chair. AFP’s organizational arrangement was settled in 2007, contained in an AFP7 Announcement

7 AFP DIALOGUE ON REDD AND COMBATTING ILLEGAL LOGGING This Public Forum of AFP8 was held in Bali, 28-29 May 2009 Attended by nearly 300 participants, incl. Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam 25 presentations in plenary, sub-plenary, and 3 paralel Working Groups Among highlights of dialogue: (1) REDD can be disturbed by Illegal Logging, but also can help combat it through appropriate benefit sharing, i.e. promoting livelihood of poor illegal loggers without benefiting the greed-motivated ones; (2) Illegal logging is both national and international issue.

8 AFP DIALOGUE “REDD and Combatting Illegal Logging” Among highlights of dialogue: (1)REDD can be disturbed by Illegal Logging, but also can help combat it through appropriate benefit sharing, i.e. promoting livelihood of poor illegal loggers without benefiting the greed- motivated ones; (2)Illegal logging is both national and international issue.

9 WHAT’S NEXT Highlights of Bali Dialogue will be communicated to relevant bodies, e.g. UNFCCC, UNFF AFP9 will possibly be in early 2010 in Japan Thematic Meetings could be held in other countries (Cambodia?)

10 WHAT’S NEXT ASEAN member countries are encouraged to be partners (no financial consequences) Partners are encouraged to join AFP Steering Committee, which communicate mainly through emails.


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