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台南商務會館 - 港式飲茶餐廳 LES HOTEL TAINAN class :餐旅二甲 Name :蔡長榮 Student number : 4A1M0031 Teacher :羅尹希.

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Presentation on theme: "台南商務會館 - 港式飲茶餐廳 LES HOTEL TAINAN class :餐旅二甲 Name :蔡長榮 Student number : 4A1M0031 Teacher :羅尹希."— Presentation transcript:

1 台南商務會館 - 港式飲茶餐廳 LES HOTEL TAINAN class :餐旅二甲 Name :蔡長榮 Student number : 4A1M0031 Teacher :羅尹希

2 FOREWORD  A holiday. I went for dinner with my friends.  We ate Hong Kong style afternoon tea. To celebrate their birthdays.

3 INFORMATION Location Location : Chung Cheng Road, Yongkang City, Tainan, No. 347-1 Phone : Phone : 06 -243 56 Traffic : Traffic : Freeway Interchange Yongkang District, Tainan direction to about 100 meters, turn right next billion-furniture. Dessert : all 50% off Afternoon tea 11:30~14:00 Dinner 17:30~21:00


5 MENU Each dish will have a translator and picture. Let foreigners understand the menu.

6 FOOD  Chef recommend.  Using seasonal ingredients. Ex:Mango style stir-fried beef (鮮芒牛柳粒) And I chose the one to eat.

7 I CHOOSE I CHOOSE (1/3)  Main Food:Cantonese fried noodles and rice、steamed park bun.

8 I CHOOSE (2/3)  Fried category: 明太鮭魚捲、脆皮馬蹄條、起司炸蝦丸、豆沙芝麻 球 Steam category: 鮮筍蝦餃、特色流沙包、蠔皇叉燒包

9 I CHOOSE I CHOOSE (3/3)  Other : 清炒絲瓜、法式牛柳粒、乳豬拼盤 I use customer like experience to ordered dish for everyone.  Because I am a staff.

10 CHARACTERISTIC  Immediate order immediate make.  Using seasonal ingredients.  Hong Kong chef.  PO FB gift one dessert.

11 Thank you for listening

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