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Aims of the session Look at how children are using the internet Raise awareness of e safety issues Consider ways of supporting parents/carers Offer guidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Aims of the session Look at how children are using the internet Raise awareness of e safety issues Consider ways of supporting parents/carers Offer guidance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims of the session Look at how children are using the internet Raise awareness of e safety issues Consider ways of supporting parents/carers Offer guidance on keeping your child safe Next steps

3 Accessed anywhere anytime Easy to communica te with friends and family Wide and flexible range of information Motivational and fun A key skill for life Raise standards

4 What is E-Safety? ‘All users of ICT should be able to do so safely and responsibly without limiting their creativity’

5 How we use these technologies Parents and Carers  e-mail  Shopping  Booking holidays  Research Pupils  Music  Games  Chat  Instant Messaging IM  Blogs  Social Networking

6 Why is E-Safety so important? Young people can be very knowledgeable Young people do not necessarily have experience to judge risk The digital world can seem as important as the real world

7 The Internet and Technology As a school we have a duty of care to ensure we are providing opportunities for children to learn how to use technological devices as well provide an education in how to be safe. We all know that IT has a fantastic amount of good uses and we need to be seen to promote these alongside teaching children good habits as unfortunately they can face potential dangers. It is about having the knowledge of these ‘hazards’ and school and home working together to help children make the right decisions and choices.

8 What does the school do? Each year e-safety lessons are delivered to every class Children complete tasks and activities from the think u know and CEOP website (link on last slide). Older children go in to a lot more detail about this. Promote the positive aspects of technology. Areas to promote E-safety and we will have a specific e-safety email for concerns and queries.

9 AT SCHOOL…….AT HOME………… Supervised ? Monitored ? Filtered ? Curriculum ?

10 Alongside this….. E-Safety policy Acceptable use policy iPad Policy Staff training Parents information

11 Risks? 28% of 11-16 year olds have had an upsetting experience on Social Networking sites, that’s over 1 in 4. (CEOP strategic overview 2013/2014) 27% of children talk about more private things online than face to face 23,000 Sexual Offences against children were recorded in the UK in 2014. 5,500 of those were children under the age of 11. In 2013, 18,600 Children and young people talked to Childline about Sexual Abuse. (EU kids online II)

12 Risk of an Incident

13 8-10 year olds 18% own a Smartphone 82% have home internet access 10.5 hours online in a typical week 24% have a profile on sites that require users to be 13 or over 85% of those with a SNS profile say it can only be seen by friends 22% speak to friends of friends or people they don’t know 67% who use internet at home only visit sites they’ve been to before 12% agree ‘when I’m on the internet, I forget about all of the rules’ (Ofcom media literacy 2013) How Children access the Internet

14 5 - 7 year olds 3% own a Smartphone 67% have home internet access 7.2 hours online in a typical week 23% use a social networking site weekly How Children access the internet (Ofcom media literacy 2013)

15 Overarching risks of online use Unwanted contact/grooming Cyber-bullying Harmful content/illegal materials Privacy/digital footprints

16 Unwanted contact and grooming Definition of grooming: A process by which a person prepares a child, significant others and the environment for the abuse of this child Specific goals include gaining access to the child, gaining the child’s compliance and maintaining the child’s secrecy to avoid disclosure Grooming techniques: Bribery and gifts, Flattery, Sexualised games, Threats, Blackmail, Desensitisation – pornography, child abuse images, video and web cams may be used (Craven, Brrown and Gilchrist, 2006)

17 Cyber-bullying Mobiles Social networking sites Gaming Forums Email Sexting Definition of cyber-bullying: ‘The use of digital technology (text messaging, email, social networking sites etc) to bully, harass or abuse someone.’ (DfE 2009) How:

18 Cyber-bullying Traits It is an invasion of personal space for young people and is all encompassing and penetrating. The audience can be large, reached rapidly and can be unknown It is easier for perpetrators to remain anonymous through the online world or masquerade as another person The target of bullying can be anyone as physical and other factors do not come into play. Often young people who engage in cyber-bullying get involved in an unintentional way. There is a disconnection as they are removed from the face to face. There is an evidence trail in the online world therefore there is the ability to track people

19 Why is it so important?

20 Blog is short for web log or online diary Easy to create and use Easy to add comments and share ideas or opinions 1% of parents thought their child blogged 33% of children used blogs 67% of parents didn’t know what a blog was UK Children Go Online, 2005, 9-19 year olds

21 Mobile Phones Camera phones Internet access Text messages Downloads e-mail Chat and IM Mobile TV Anytime  Anywhere

22 Chat Rooms are websites or part of websites that provide an area for communities with common interests to chat in real time. Many  Many Instant Messaging IM is a way of communicating with another individual in real time across the internet using text-based not voice communication. One  One 79% of children use IM 29% of parents don’t know what IM is Get I.T. safe NCH 2006 11 – 16 year olds

23 Games are played by all ages with regular players spending 11 hours per week Role-play, adventure and life simulations are becoming very popular Added extra elements of self-expression and personalisation Play on-line with other gamers from around the world Play in real-time Half of children aged 8 to 15 own a games console, while a further third use one in the household - Ofcom report 2006

24 Video sharing websites are where users can upload, view and share video clips Videos can be rated and the number of times viewed recorded Video recorded with mobile phones can easily upload YouTube is one of the ten most popular websites

25 Based on the idea of networking with friends and friends of friends In March 2006 MySpace (Rupert Murdoch owned) overtook the BBC website in visitor numbers and now has 5.2 million UK users In its first year Bebo attracted 21.4 million registered users worldwide US banned social networking sites within all public institutions Survey of 13-18 yrs: average number of ‘friends’ (SNS) = 75; of IM buddies = 52, mobile contacts = 38 (2006 USA survey of 1487 8-18 yrs)

26 Minimum age limits for Social Networking sites….

27 Working together with your child…. Be involved with your child’s online life Be familiar with the technology, built in safeguards Agree the types of content that are acceptable to upload and download. Encourage balanced use, limit time, meal times, bed time… Agreed areas in the house to use online devices.

28 Key messages – summary Know who you’re talking to, people aren’t always who they say they are Learn how to use and set security settings across a range of devices Keep your personal information private Know how to report on sites and services you are using Implications of owning a mobile / location Understand digital footprint: Self-taken images and video Location-based Future implications of actions of online behaviour How to report to sites CEOP

29 What to do if you are worried… Capture any evidence Screenshots, save conversations Report it School, Service Provider, Police, CEOP(Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) Use the safety features and tools Child Accounts, Parental controls, Privacy features in Social Networking Be alert Changes in behaviour, secretive, vague about use

30 Report to...... Report to Support from


32 What happens?

33 Report Statistics: 18,887 reports relating to child sexual exploitation. 2,866 Intelligence reports sent out from the centre. 192 perpetrators arrested as a direct result of CEOP. 560 Children were safeguarded and protected. 6% of all referrals require an immediate response. Over 12.6 million children have seen Thinkuknow (CEOP, 2012-2013)

34 5 to 7 year olds

35 8 to 10 year olds

36 eSafety - resources

37 Any Questions?

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