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Biofiltration for Odor and VOC Removal. INTRODUCTION.

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Presentation on theme: "Biofiltration for Odor and VOC Removal. INTRODUCTION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biofiltration for Odor and VOC Removal


3 Conceptual Design of a Typical Biofiltration System H2OH2O H2OH2O Humidifying Chamber PumpBiofilter Waste gas Inlet Clean gas outlet Drain Pump Blower BIOMASS SUPPORT MEDIA


5 Biofiltration Mechanisms



8 Simplified Biophysical Model of Biofiltration Reaction Controlled Borderline Situation BIOFILM Diffusion Controlled Zone Reaction Free Zone GAS PHASE Reaction Controlled Zone FILTER MEDIA Diffusion Controlled

9 Biodegradability of Various Contaminants in Biofilters

10 Biodegradability of Various Contaminants in Biofilters (Continued)

11 Typical odor characteristics and odor threshold

12 Basic Variables involved in Biofiltration Performance


14 Summary of Biofilter System Types

15 Illustrative Full-scale Biofilter Performance Data

16 Media Selection - Desirable Characteristics

17 Media Selection - organic vs. inorganic materials

18 Important Considerations in Deciding Waste Airflow in Biofilters


20 Acclimation

21 Methods to maintain optimal operational factors

22 Methods to maintain optimal operational factors (cont’d)



25 Differences between Attached Growth Systems and Entrapment Immobilization Technology

26 Differences between Attached Growth and Entrapment Immobilization (Cont ’ d)

27 Main principles of immobilization processes q1. Treatment of gases by attached growth systems - Self attachment of microorganisms to the filter bedding material q2. Treatment of gases by systems that contain microorganisms entrapped within polymer beads -artificial immobilization of the microorganisms to or within the filter bedding material qmicroencapsulation - wrapping droplets containing microorganisms with a thin membrane; microorganisms can freely move within capsule, consuming substrates that penetrate through membrane qmembrane separation - microorganisms are separated from the bulk fluid by the use of sheets of membrane, which allow substrates to penetrate. Usually porous UF membranes (0.002-0.1  m). Selective membranes also used, e.g. those separating CO 2 and H 2 S from CH 4

28 Main principles of immobilization processes (cont’d) qmicroorganisms entrapment within 3D polymer matrix - pores in matrix smaller than microbial cells, keeping them trapped within the material, but the pores allow penetration of substrates qcovalent bonding and covalent crosslinking - creation of covalent bonds between reactive groups on the surfaces of cells and different ligands on the bedding material. Coupling agents used to activate ligands (most common is glutaraldyde; isocynate and amino silane also frequently used).

29 Advantages and Disadvantages of each method

30 Advantages and Disadvantages of each method (cont’d)

31 Comparison between natural polymers and synthetic polymers used for microbial entrapment (for wastewater treatment)

32 Future Research Needs

33 스캔 1

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