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Activities Tally chart and pictogram of favourite milkshakes/pancake topping/fruits Create a shopping list for cookery/snack Pancake recipe Smoothie recipe-

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Presentation on theme: "Activities Tally chart and pictogram of favourite milkshakes/pancake topping/fruits Create a shopping list for cookery/snack Pancake recipe Smoothie recipe-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities Tally chart and pictogram of favourite milkshakes/pancake topping/fruits Create a shopping list for cookery/snack Pancake recipe Smoothie recipe- combining 2 groups of fruit –how many altogether? Count and record number of animals on Boo Zoo resource cards Count small world animas up to 20 Combine two collections of Zoo animals Order Boo Zoo character pictures to 20 Zoo small world play- estimate how many of groups of amimals Birthdays Food diary – breakfast- lunch-dinner Role play – Pancake café Boo Zoo Stories The Big Freeze Alfie’s Counting Catastrophe Hilda Hates Hide and Seek Rhymes 5 Naughty Monkeys ICT Priory Woods- 5 Little Speckled Frogs 5 Little Ducks, 5 Naughty monkeys Help Kidz Learn – number rhymes RE/SMSC Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Story Apps: Count with cyw, Amser bwyd Bolgi Songs Bws Cyfri, ‘Un, dau, tri’ Thinking Skills Topic: Food & Celebrations Area: Mathematical Development Class: Yellow Date: 01/09/15 Talk about the feeing of the characters from the ‘Boo Zoo’ scheme in relation to the story To model asking for help during group & individual activities

2 ICT Skills Experiment with new learning opportunities including ICT To develop gross and fine motor skills through ICT activities To see links between cause an effect RE/SMSC Skills To express and communicate different feelings and emotions To concentrate for lengthening periods To ask for assistance when needed Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Skills To view an listen carefully to a variety of visual and audio-visual stimuli To listen to familiar and unfamiliar voices Thinking Skills Class: Yellow Date: 01/09/15 Topic: Food & Celebrations Area: Mathematical Development : Foundation Phase Skills Using Number Skills To listen to and join in with rhymes, songs, stories and games that have a mathematical theme To point to an object or vocalise at the appropriate moment to indicate a number when an adult is counting To give a coin in exchange for an item after observing others do so in role play shop To demonstrate an understanding of one-to-one correspondence by matching pairs of objects or pictures To count reliably up to 20 objects To recite numbers up to 20, forwards and backwards, and from different starting points To read and write numbers to at least 10 To read and write numbers to at least 20 forming and orientating them correctly To compare and order numbers to at least 20 To begin to use number words To mentally recall ‘one more’ and ‘one less of a number within 10 and 20 To use ‘counting on’ strategies to add two collections starting with the larger number To make a sensible estimate of up to 10 objects that can be checked by counting To demonstrate an awareness of the purpose of money through role play LNF Targets Oracy To give a symbol/picture as a ‘token’ for a desired item/activity with support (doesn’t distinguish representation) (A Steps) (S.B) To use a few very familiar words/signs or symbols (A Steps) (L.E) To use single words/signs/ symbols and some two-part phrases, e.g. to signal repetition or recurrence (B Steps) (C.B, P.C) To make an attempt at representing things/animals/ etc. in structured role-play activities (C Steps) (S.H) To begin to imitate real life and make believe experiences within role play (Nursery) (H.B) To talk about, in simple terms, drawings, models and movements (Nursery) (L.S) Using Number skills To develop shared attention (RfL 40) (L.E, S.B) With support point to an object or vocalise at an appropriate moment to indicate a number when an adult is counting (A Steps) (C.B, P.C) To compare and order numbers to at least 10 (Nursery) (L.S) To use ‘counting on’ strategies to add 2 collections, starting with the larger number, e.g. 8 + 5.(Year 1)(H.B) To read and write numbers to at least 20 (Year 1) (S.H)

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