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Some thoughts on making interest groups more effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Some thoughts on making interest groups more effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some thoughts on making interest groups more effective

2 OBJECTS AND PRINCIPLES All U3As sign an agreement to abide by the Objects and Principles of the U3A.

3 The Third Age Principle “Membership of a U3A is open to all in their third age” “Members should do all they can to ensure that people wanting to join a U3A can do so” The Self –help learning Principle “as wide a range of topics and activities as they (members) desire” “by the members for the members” “no distinction between the learners and the teachers; they are all U3A members” The Mutual Aid Principle “Each U3A is a mutual aid organisation..” “No payment is made to members for services rendered to any U3A”

4 “All processes that lead to relatively lasting changes of capacity, whether they be of motor, cognitive, psychodynamic or social character, and which are not due to genetic- biological maturation. (Source: Illeris, K (2003) International Journal of Lifelong Education 22(4): 396-397: Page 397)

5 Learning to do Learning to know Learning to live together Learning to be

6 Intelligence TypeCapability & Perception LinguisticWords and language Logical / mathematicalLogic &number MusicalSound & rhythm Body / kinestheticMovement & control Spatial / visualImages and space InterpersonalOther people’s feelings IntrapersonalSelf-awareness Naturalistenvironment Spiritual / ExistentialUltimate issues MoralEthics, humanity & the value of life

7 VAK Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

8 Cumulative or mechanical learning, often isolated or factual e.g. Telephone or pin numbers KNOWING STUFF Assimilative or additive learning. Learning which is added to an already established scheme or pattern KNOWING MORE STUFF Accommodative or “exceeding” learning. Learning that goes beyond current learning but integrates prior learning into extended, more complex patterns of understanding KNOWING THE HOW AND WHY OF STUFF Transformative or expansive learning. Assessing the relevance of our assumptions – emancipation of thought. I REALLY MUST GET MORE INVOLVED WITH THIS STUFF

9 METHODS: Shared Learning Seminars Discussion Learning by playing Demonstrations Workshops Visits Shared Learning projects Use of online resources See MORE TIME TO LEARN, available from the National Office

10 Learning styles can be affected by:

11 ExtraversionVSIntraversion ConfidenceVSSensitive Detail ConsciousVSUnstructured Tough MindedVSAgreeable ConformingVSCreative

12 verbalNon-verbalsymbolic Communication can be:

13  Environmental  Physiological  Psychological  Cultural  Linguistic  Approaches and attitudes

14 Physiological: Food Liquid Oxygen Warmth Safety: Physical Psychological Security and Protection Affection: Love and belonging Self Esteem: Competence Reputation Recognition Self actualisation needs self fulfilment MASLOW: Hierarchy of basic needs.

15 “Pedagogy –Androgogy represents a continuum ranging from teacher directed to student directed learning.............” (Merriam, SB et al, (2007) Learning in Adulthood. Hoboken, John Wiley, Page 87

16 Copyright Third Age Trust Author CAM Thanks to Neil Moreland Wolverhampton U3A for supplying information for slides 4 & 8.

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