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Subject Choice for Leaving Certificate 2018 KIERAN CORCORAN & BRID HUGHES GUIDANCE COUNSELLORS.

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Presentation on theme: "Subject Choice for Leaving Certificate 2018 KIERAN CORCORAN & BRID HUGHES GUIDANCE COUNSELLORS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject Choice for Leaving Certificate 2018 KIERAN CORCORAN & BRID HUGHES GUIDANCE COUNSELLORS

2 WHAT IS SUBJECT CHOICE? Subject choice involves the choosing of a MEANINGFUL MANAGEABLE package of subjects for the leaving certificate examination It is a very important matter, in that it may decide career choices on leaving school

3 Leaving Certificate Subjects Students study 7 Subjects for Examination  Essential Subjects English, Irish, Maths, Language (French, Spanish)  Non Exam Subjects Religious Education Physical Education ECDL 5 th yr  Option Subjects x 3

4 Option Subjects Business Group Accounting Business Science Group Physics Chemistry Biology Technology Arts / Social Studies Group Home Economics Geography History Early Modern History Late Modern Art Music Link Modules Leaving Cert Vocational Programme

5 Leaving Cert / Junior Cert Link Ups  Students often choose subjects they have studied for Junior Certificate but not always.  Art must have been done in Junior Cert or a student has to be able to prove their ability  Music can be done if a student who hasn’t studied it for JC Can read music Maybe play an instrument  Business and Home Economics can be taken from beginning

6 Preparation of Students in School for Subject Choice  Career Interest Assessment  Career guidance classes How process works and choices on offer College / career requirements How to decide  Special subject classes where subjects are explained  One to one meeting with Guidance Counsellor  Informal career guidance

7 What Students Should Do Research the content of subjects  Borrow books and notes from senior students  Talk to senior students  Talk to teachers

8 How to Decide  Things to Consider The content of subjects: does it interest me? My past performance: will I be good at it? Whether I prefer to learn things off or work things out? What type of careers am I likely to want to do when I leave school?

9 Things not to Consider Doing what I perceive as ‘easy’ What my friends are doing What teacher I might have or not have

10 College / Career Requirements  Three Types of Requirements Minimum Entry or Matriculation Requirements Faculty or course requirements Points

11 Minimum Entry Requirements (matriculation  For NUI Colleges  for matriculation in 2017 Candidates must obtain a pass in at least six subjects selected according to college/faculty requirements with at least Grade H5 in two subjects on the Higher Course and at least Grade H7 (Higher Course) or O6 (Ordinary Course) in four subjects.

12 Faculty or Course Requirements  Particular LC subjects may be required for certain college courses  Mostly concerns Maths, Languages and Science  There may also a requirement to achieve a certain level in certain subjects Eg H5 (HC3) in Irish for primary teaching HC in maths for Level 8 (hons) degree in Engineering

13  There are plenty of courses for which there are no specific subject requirements:  You do not need a business subject to do business in college  You do not need technical drawing to do architecture or engineering

14 The Points Requirement  Points are given for the best 6 results in one sitting of the Leaving Certificate  Most subjects carry equal points (LCVP/Maths)  The points for every course are based on supply and demand each year

15 The New Grades/Points System

16 Bonus Points for Higher Maths  25 bonus points for H6 (D3) or better in Hons Math  Has to be counted as one of best 6 results after points are allocated

17 Required Subjects Science  Physics / Chemistry / Biology  Required for most courses in Medical Technical Scientific 2 required for medicine and therapies in some Universities

18 2 Sciences Required  Medicine or Dentistry TCD / Any 2 Sciences  Medicine UCC/ Chem+1 of physics/biol  Dentistry UCC/Chem+1 of physics/biol  Pharmacy TCD/ UCC/Chem+1 of physics/biol  Physiotherapy TCD  Most science courses TCD  1 science with Hons Maths will do for Pharmacy and Physiotherapy

19 1 Science Required but 2 recommended for Veterinary UCD Medicine in other Universities

20 1 Science Required  Human Nutrition (dietetics) DIT / Chem  Occupational Therapy TCD  Radiation Therapy TCD  Physiotherapy  Nursing  Speech and Language Therapy  Naval Cadets  Sports Science  Engineering  Architecture (only in UCD)  Agriculture  Optometry  Most Science courses  Industrial Design  Beauty therapy (recommended)

21 Chemistry  Chemistry is required for  Veterinary  Pharmacy  Nutrition / Dietetics  Dentistry

22 Foundation Subjects  Foundation level is offered only in Maths and Irish  There are points for foundation level maths.  Foundation maths will fulfill the maths requirement for entry to Universities and Institutes of Technology but will not fulfill specific course requirements or count for points.  Foundation Irish does not fulfill the Irish requirement where it is required.

23 Leaving Cert Vocational Programme  An enhanced Leaving Certificate with practical approach  LCVP Link Modules: Preparation for the world of work Enterprise Work Experience  Taken as an option subject  Links into other two option subjects.  Practical Programme with 60% on portfolio assessment and 40% on final exam

24 Preparation for the World of Work Career Investigation Awareness of my interests and abilities Job Application Process Work experience Employment Law e.g Health and Safety, Trade Unions, Other work related issues

25 Enterprise Education  Starting up new businesses  My Own place: investigation into my local community  Marketing  Planning  Visits to local industries  Report writing

26 Why Take LCVP? Practical programme that suits practical students Real preparation for the world of work Bulk of marks go for portfolio done over 2 yrs Links with other option subjects enhances performance in those subjects. Promotes skills and qualities of self-reliance, innovation and enterprise.

27 Subject Combinations Allowed with LCVP 1.Any 2 of Chemistry, Biology, Physics 2.Technology with Physics 3.Technology with Business or Accounting 4. Any 2 of Business, Accounting 5. Art, with Business or Accounting 6.Home Economics with Biology 7.Home Economics with Art 8. Home Economics with Business or Accounting 9. Music with Business or Accounting

28 Link Modules  Not accepted as one of 6 required subjects for entry to University  Accepted by some Institutes of Technology eg Tallaght and PLCs as one of 5/6 required subjects for matriculation Counted for points by all colleges Distinction=80% - 100%=66 points Merit=65% - 79%=46points Pass=50% - 64%=28 points

29 How Subject Choice Works  For 3 rd Years  Option forms given out Thursday 28 th Jan  To be returned Tuesday the 2nd Feb  TYs  Option forms given out Friday 5 th Feb  To be returned Tuesday 9 th Feb  Three bands of subjects will be established based on students preferences  Not first come first served

30  Students will be given their desired subjects as far as possible, one from each band.  Nothing can be guaranteed  Usually approximately 85-90% will get their top three  The remainder will usually get their top two plus their fourth

31 Option Lines  5Opt 1  Hom Ec/ His / Art / Bio / Bio / Chem / Phy  5Opt 2  Home Ec / Art / Mus / Bus / Bio / Chem/ Tech  5Opt 3  Home Ec / His / Geog / LCVP / Bio / Chem

32  Students who submit their choice form after the deadline cannot be guaranteed their choices.  You cannot easily change your subject choices once they are submitted.  If there aren’t enough students who choose a subject that subject may not go ahead.  While students will be helped to make their decision, it is ultimately their decision so it is their responsibility to do their research. There will be no point in appealing as the option bands will be the ‘BEST FIT’ available If a student changes her mind in September or is struggling in a subject we will do our best to facilitate her but it may not be possible to change her options

33 Conclusion  Subject choice for Leaving Cert is important  Each student must make her own mind up  Most students get it right  Hard work is required in every subject There are no easy subjects

34 Thank You  Mr Corcoran and Ms Hughes will be happy to answer any of your questions  Just give us a call  Good night

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