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Magnetic Field Grade 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnetic Field Grade 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnetic Field Grade 8

2 The magnetic field is all the space around a magnet where the magnetic forces act

3 Put the north poles of two bar magnets together. What happens?
Magnetic Fields - Experiments Put the north poles of two bar magnets together. What happens? Now put the two magnets under a piece of paper with the N poles together. Carefully scatter iron filings on the paper. Draw what you see.

4 Magnetic field pattern with N poles together
Notice the pattern of lines of force in this region.

5 Carefully scatter iron filings on the paper.
Magnetic Fields - Experiments Put the north and south poles of two bar magnets together. What happens? Now put the two magnets under a piece of paper with N and S poles together. Carefully scatter iron filings on the paper.

6 Magnetic field pattern with N and S poles together
Notice the pattern of lines of force in this region. How are they different from before?

7 Beyond the magnetic field, the magnetic forces does not act.
Any object outside the magnetic field will not be attracted. The paper clip will not be attracted

8 The magnetic field is: Is strongest at the poles. Has lines of force. The lines of force will never cross each other. They are parallel.

9 The magnetic field of a U-shaped magnet

10 The magnetic field of a 2 attracting magnets
The magnetic field of a 2 attracting magnets Magnetic field of two repelling magnets

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