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Adventure Game for Children With Disabilities Luke Innes Supervisor: Brett Wilkinson.

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Presentation on theme: "Adventure Game for Children With Disabilities Luke Innes Supervisor: Brett Wilkinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adventure Game for Children With Disabilities Luke Innes Supervisor: Brett Wilkinson

2 The Project (Recap) Project Changes Timeline Issues Development of Applications Experiment/Testing Future Work Questions

3 The research question: Evaluate the appeal and usability of a Kinect based adventure game to assist in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities Current state of the project: Interviews complete Exercises identified Still developing Awaiting ethics approval

4 Not a full game (time constraints) Was never going to be a full game, but the completeness had to be compromised further Not using Kinect library Too time consuming to learn how to use

5 JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Literature Review Ethics Approval Product Development User Evaluation Thesis

6 JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun Literature Review Ethics Approval Product Development User Evaluation Thesis

7 Computer malfunction Had to be replaced Little Kinect development knowledge Coding Errors E.g. skeleton positioning incorrect

8 Tools Visual Studio 2010 Libraries.NET Framework 4.0 XNA GameStudio 4.0 Kinect for Windows 1.8 SDK Kinect Developer Toolkit 1.8

9 The Game: Episodes with a transition sequence Each episode to feature multiple exercises Transition sequence will make use of the trunc control exercises Graphics: Most will be sourced Some will be created by me

10 CSEM Students Game knowledge Fun-factor evaluation Physiotherapists Treatment knowledge Accuracy of exercises Fatigue levels

11 Personal Experiment Write thesis The Project Finish development Make any tweaks determined by experiment Further testing – on target population (children with disabilities)


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