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Repetition Intro to Computer Science CS1510 Dr. Sarah Diesburg.

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Presentation on theme: "Repetition Intro to Computer Science CS1510 Dr. Sarah Diesburg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Repetition Intro to Computer Science CS1510 Dr. Sarah Diesburg

2 Today’s Agenda From last week  Selection statements  Conditional statements  Compound conditional statements Repetition  Reasons for repetition  Tools

3 if, elif, else, the Process Evaluate boolean expressions until:  The boolean expression returns True  None of the boolean expressions return True If a boolean returns True, run the corresponding suite. Skip the rest of the if If no boolean returns True, run the else suite, the default suite

4 Compound Expressions Logical Operators (lower case)  and  or  not

5 Compound Expressions Examples  if (a==b) and (c<d):  if (a==b) or (c<d):  if not (a==b): Remember, evaluate each statement first before looking at and, or, not 5

6 Chained Comparisons You are going to be tempted to write: 0 <= myInt <= 5 But you will need to be very careful

7 Compound Evaluation Logically 0 < X < 3 is actually (0 < X) and (X < 3) Evaluate using X with a value of 2: (0< X) and (X< 3) Parenthesis first: (True) and (True) Final value: True (Note: parentheses are not necessary in this case.)

8 Compound Evaluation BUT, I’ve seen students write: 3 < X < 0  Meaning they want to know if x is outside of that range. But this is actually (3 < X) and (X < 0) Does any number fit in this range?

9 How can we introduce error checking? Suppose that students are entering numbers into your miles per gallon program that aren’t valid

10 How can we introduce error checking? Suppose that students are entering numbers into your miles per gallon program that aren’t valid  Values not above 0  Ending value that is “smaller” than the starting value  Maybe even values above some upper limit How can we correct them and ask them to try again?

11 Repeating Statements Besides selecting which statements to execute, a fundamental need in a program is repetition  repeat a set of statements under some conditions Between selection and repetition, we have the two most necessary programming statements

12 While and For Statements The while statement is the more general repetition construct. It repeats a set of statements while some condition is True.  Often called a sentinel controlled loop The for statement is useful for iteration, moving through all the elements of data structure, one at a time.  Often called a count controlled loop

13 while Loop Top-tested loop (pretest)  test the boolean before running  Run the program suite  test the boolean before each iteration of the loop while boolean expression: statementSuite


15 Repeat While the Boolean is True while loop will repeat the statements in the suite while the boolean is True (or its Python equivalent) If the boolean expression never changes during the course of the loop, the loop will continue forever.

16 x_int = 0 while x_int < 10: print (x_int) x_int = x_int + 1 print() print( "Final value of x_int: ", x_int) What is the Final Value printed by this code? While Loop Example

17 General Approach to a While outside the loop, initialize the boolean somewhere inside the loop you perform some operation which changes the state of the program,  eventually leading to a False boolean and exiting the loop Have to have both!

18 For and Iteration One of Python’s strength’s is it’s rich set of built-in data structures The for statement is a common statement for manipulation of a data structure  for each element in the datastructure perform some operation on that element


20 For Loop Example numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] for xInt in numbers: print (xInt) print() print ("Final value of xInt: " + str(xInt) )

21 How can we introduce error checking? Suppose that students are entering numbers into your miles per gallon program that aren’t valid  Values not above 0  Ending value that is “smaller” than the starting value  Maybe even values above some upper limit How can we correct them and ask them to try again?

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