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Tempus project on the improvement of teacher education in IT and Mathematics Dušan Tošić Faculty of Mathematics – University of Belgrade

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1 Tempus project on the improvement of teacher education in IT and Mathematics Dušan Tošić Faculty of Mathematics – University of Belgrade

2 Tempus-project JEP_41110_2006 Teacher Education - Innovation of Studies in Mathematics and IT Two-years project Web-site: Responsible persons: Prof. Chavdar Lozanov, University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski“ Prof. Aleksanda Lipkovski, University of Belgrade.

3 MEMBERS: 1.University of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski“, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics 2.University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics 3.University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering 4.University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education 5.University of Podgorica, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 6.Institute for Advancement of Education, Belgrade 7.Institute for School Books, Belgrade 8.Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia 9. University of Joensuu, Faculty of Education, Joensuu, Finland.

4 Goals Analyze the situation in Serbia related to education of teachers in Mathematics and IT Compare education (from these fields) in Serbia and other countries Propose improvements and innovation (to make synchronization with other countries). Implement proposed improvements and innovation.

5 What is done? Three conferences are organized: Borovez (Bulgaria) Niš (Serbia) Ljubljana (Slovenia) Some smaller working-groups have meetings in Belgrade and Niš. More then 15 presentations are comunicated.

6 Borovetz Niš Ljubljana


8 Equipment To satisfy the established goals and to make corresponding outcomes, some financial support is necessary. Some amount (of money) is devoted to relevant equipment and help in implementation. The money form project is used for some equipment (computers, printers, projectors, …) dedicated to: Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš.

9 Results of analizes Teacher of the first level in primary schools are educated at Educational faculties. Teachers of Mathematics are educated at special faculties for mathematics. Teachers of IT are educated at different faculties (mathematics, electro, organizational sciences, …) There are no obligatory IT-courses in primary school. There are courses of IT in gymnasium (approximately, two lessens per week each year for 4 years).

10 Results of compareson There are similarities in study of Mathematics in European countries. There are more differences in study of IT in different European countries. Two main concepts in study of IT exist: –IT is incorporated in other subjects –There are special courses related to IT and programming.

11 Propositions Some improvements of existing mathematical courses are proposed. (The changes are not substntial, but some improvents should be done.) In education of teachers of Mathematics and IT, new courses are proposed: –Internet technologies (mandatory) –Web programming (elective) Improvements curricula of existing IT-courses are proposed.

12 Implemetation? It is not easily to implement because some others are responsible for the changing curriculum at faculties. Same faculties are in the process of accreditation and try to make innovations in existing curriculums. There are chances to adopt the most number of propositions. There are no influences on the educational faculties.

13 Conclusions Described project is big one with a lot of contributors. Significant results in exchanging of experiences are achieved. A lot of propositions about. improvements and innovation are offered. Some of the offered propositions should be adopted.

14 Thank you!

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