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VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas.

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Presentation on theme: "VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 VARUN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL UPLIFTMENT AND NETWORKING Type: Non-Formal Educational Centers Primary Focus: Remedial Education Region : Rural Areas July 2014


3 Purpose And Goals 1. To increase the level of literacy and intellectual development of the children in the targeted area. 2. To give technical instruction to increase skill level 3. To provide technical tools so that the local population can join the main stream society

4 About VARUN  Voluntary Association for Rural Upliftment & Networking (VARUN) is a self- motivated, social and non-profit organization. Varun started it activities in 1999.  Outline:  Schools in 5 villages Shahpur, Dobahi, Sukhdeopur, Jariyawan, Hadahi, Aurawatad.  Self help group (women micro finance). - Introduce Organic Farming (Nursery, Seed Bank)  Library (in 5 villages)  Permanent structures in Shahpur, Dobahi and Lerha.  Govt schools established in Amritpur, Horila, Lerha, Shahpur, Jharia and Pathraur.  FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976) applied in February 2005, until then, donations go through Asha-Varanasi.  People: Dr.S.P.Singh (PhD, Agriculture), Mr. A.K.Singh (Journalist) and few teachers like Punnu Singh, Ramkrit, etc.

5 Current Status of teachers (need to update) Timing of School : July to March : 09.30 to 3.30 P.M. April to June : 7.00 to 12.00 P. M.

6 Student count in each center S. N. Name of Center IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIITotal Grad Total BGBGBGBGBGBGBGBGBG 1Hadahi0806040110241--------171027 2Aurawatand16110904------------251540 3Jhariyawan24130201------------261440 4Sukhdeopur07050401502236-------241135 5Dhobahi0503- 30413--------091322 6Shahpur----------918304 07162945 7Total603819109080776-918304 0711693209 147 students in primary 39 students in middle school

7 Details of Evaluation of Education Centers S.N.PlaceDate 01Aurawantand10.02.2014 02Shahpur11.02.2014 03Jhariyawan19.03.2014 04Hadahi19.03.2014 05Sukhdeopur20.03.2014 -Teaching in professional manner. -Headcount tracking - Cleanliness of premises and children. -Quality of teaching. -Feedback from students. -Emphasis on teaching moral values. -Teaching methods used for lower classes.

8 Various Programs S.No.Name of ProgrammePlaceDateResourse PersonParticipants 01 Refresher Training of Teachers VARUN Office, Naugarh 09.01.2014 Sri Sachanu Ram Sri Virendra Ram 10 02 Refreshar Training of Teachers VARUN Office, Naugarh 19.02.2014 Sri Sachanu Ram Sri Virendra.Ram 10 03 Refresher Training of Teachers VARUN Office, Naugarh 02.03.2014 Sri Sachanu Ram Sri Virendra.Ram 10 Various topics covered include teaching techniques through use of flash-cards, marbles, toys, seeds, leaves, sticks, etc for calculations and to create interest.

9 Education Details of Right to Education S. N.Name of Programme Reference Person PlaceDateOrganisor Participants Total FemaleMale 01Right to EducationDr.S.P.SinghJhariyawan10.02.2014VARUN121123 02Right to EducationDr.S.P.SinghHadahi10.02.2014VARUN110819 03Right to EducationDr.S.P.SinghSukhdeopur11.02.2014VARUN161430 04Right to EducationDr.S.P.SinghAurawatand16.03.2014VARUN100919

10 Details of Health Camp S.N.Name of ProgrammePlaceDateResourse Person Participants Total FemaleMale 01National Voters DayShahpur25.01.2014Ram Krit312455 02Repbulic DayAll Centers26.01.2014Teachers & Villagers122136258 03 International Women Day Dhobahi08.03.2014 Ram Krit & Bhawan Kumar 281947 Community Health Program S.No.Name of DiseasesN0.of PatientsNo. of Positive Patients No. of Village Diseases MF 01Maleria0603 0201 02Janani Suraksha Yojana-- 03--03 Total0603060204 Health

11 Women Empowerment S.No.Name of ProgrammePlaceDate Participate Total FemaleMale 01Meeting of SHGNonwat04.01.20141204 02Meeting of SHGNaugarh06.01.2014110516 03Meeting of SHGNaugarh08.01.2014150217 04Meeting of SHGNaugarh17.02.2014150217 05Meeting of SHGMajhgawan04.03.2014220224 06Meeting of SHGParsiyan04.03.2014340438 07Meeting of SHG Barawadih, Chakkerghatta 10.03.2014230629 08Meeting of SHGParsahawan11.03.2014140418 09Total--- 14629175

12 Right to Information S.N.Name of ProgrammePlaceDate Participate FMTotal 01Right to InformationJamsot31.01.2014081422 02Right to InformationPathraur01.02.2014061622 03Right to InformationRobertsganj16.02.2014--04 Right to InformationShahpur17.02.2014221436

13 Employment (NREGA) S.No.Name of ProgramVillagesVillage PanchayatFacilator Application by Labourers 01Right toWork (MNREGA)DhobahiSemarsadhopurVARUN14 02Right to Work (MNREGA)AurawantandMangarahiVARUN15 03Right toWork (MNREGA)HadahiMangarahiVARUN14 04Right to Work (MNREGA)ShahpurSemarsadhopurVARUN40 05Right toWork (MNREGA)JamsotSemarsadhopurVARUN50 06Right to Work (MNREGA)PathraurSemarsadhopurVARUN12 07Right toWork (MNREGA)HorilaSemarsadhopurVARUN43 08Right to Work (MNREGA)JhariyawanGangapurVARUN19 09Total--- 207

14 Agriculture S.No.Name of ProgrammePlaceDate Participate Total FemaleMale 01Meeting of Agriculture Majhgawan & Parsiyan08.01.2014080917 02Meeting of AgricultureMajhgawan22.01.201404 08 03Meeting of AgricultureMajhgawan & Parsiyan09.03.2014081216 04Visit to BHU TeamMajhgawan & Parsiyan12.03.2014021012 05Kisan GoshthiPanchayat Bhawan, Parsiyan12.03.2014663399 BHU-Varanasi proposed a plan for surveying Nonvat, Pandi and Auratawand For research and VARUN is helping to pursue this.

15 Budget proposal 2014-2015 S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) APersonal Honorarium 1. Program Coordinator112x7000.0084,000.00 ii. Community mobilizer112x5000.0060,000.00 iii. Junior High School Head teachers112 x 3200.0038,400.00 Iv. Junior High school teachers212 x 2 x 3000.0072,000.00 v. Primary school Dobahi112 x 2200.0026,400.00 vi. Primary school –Hadahi112 x 2000.0024,000.00 vii. Primary Schoo – Sukhdeopur112x 2000.0024,000.00 viii. Primary school – Jhariyawan112 x 2000.0024,000.00 ix. Primary school-Auratawand112 x 2000.0024,000.00 x- Accountant112 x 1500.0030,000.00 Sub total3,94,800.00

16 Budget Proposal (contd.) S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) BStudy Material Study materials225225x35078,750.00 Cultural Program66 x 200024,000.00 Exposure Tour11x1500015000.00 Repairing of centers66 x 1500.009,000.00 Teacher training22 x 5000.0010,000.00 Tapatti @Rs.26/feet200ft26 x 200ft5,200.00 Games material66x1000.006,000.00 Monthly meetings1212 x 3000.0024,000.00 Sub-total1,39,500.00

17 Budget Proposal (contd.) S.NoUnit# of monthsTotal Amount (Rs.) COperational costs Stationary12 x 400.004,800.00 Postage and xerox12 x 400.004,800.00 Communication12 x 800.0096,00.00 Travel and convenience12 x 1000.0012,000.00 Bike maintenance12 x 500.0060,000.00 Newspapers and magazines212 x 300.003600.00 Field office expenses12 x 2000.002,400.00 Sub – total67,200.00 Salary + Study materials + Operational costs = Rs. 5,99,150.00

18 Few Photographs





23 Budget for 2013-2014 A. Honorarium Project Coordinator7000.00 x 1284,000.00 Community mobilizer5000.00 x 1260,000.00 Junior High School-Teachers-2 No.3000.00 x 1272,000.00 PrimarySchool-Dhobahi-Teach.-1No.2200.00 x 1226,400.00 PrimarySchool-Sukhdeopur-Teach,-1No.2000.00 x 1224,000,00 PrimarySchool-Jhariyawan-Teach-1No.2000.00 x 1224,000.00 Primary School-Hadahi-Teach.-1No.2000.00 x 1224,000.00 Primary School-Aurawatad- Teach-1No. 2000.00 x 1224,000.00 Salary to accountant1500.00 x 1218,000.00 Sub-Total 3,56,400.00 B. Study Materials Study Materials for 205 Students @350/Head--71,750.00 Cultural Program 6 Nos.@1000/--6,000.00 Repairing of Centres 4 Nos.@1500/--6,000.00 Repairing of Shahpur Centre--5,000.00 Teachers Training 1No.--3,000.00 Tatt Patti 200ft.@26/feet--5,200.00 Monthly Meeting250.003,000.00 Games Materials 6 Centres @1000/--6,000.00 Stationary for Centres400.004,800.00

24 Budget contd. Communication800.009,600.00 Postage & Xerox400.004,800.00 Travel & Convenience800.009,600.00 Bike Maintenance500.006,000.00 Newspaper and magazines 150x3450.005,400.00 Sub-Total 1,46,150.00 Grand Total (A+B) 502550

25 Conceptual Idea Proposal Experiment  Pilot program with 6 panchayats, 15 villages and 1000 families involved.  AIM: Empower women and the community for self- independence by educating them about their rights.  WHY: Masses continue to live in dark and past few generations post-independence there has been little or no progress with regards to overall human living conditions in this area.

26 Intended plan  Create federations of women.  Develop leadership qualities in them to lead.  Creating awareness about their social rights and how to utilize various schemes Govt offers to empower themselves to earn their living.  Motivate people to take up responsibilities and drive various issues.

27 Case Study- Dobahi (in 2012)  Villagers took the initiative to make this road.  Meetings were held and the project was coordinated and executed by  Bhuvan Kumar (teacher)  Women from SHG, Women federation,  Mr.Pyarelal from farmer’s club  ….21 more names mentioned

28 Budget Proposal for new experiment Sl. NoHeadYear-1 UnitTimeUnit costASHA 1. Personnel Cost Salary to Project Coordinator01127000.0084,000.00 Salary to Documentation & Monitoring Officer01124500.0054,000.00 Salary to Field Worker03123000.001,08,000.00 Salary to Part time Accountant01122000.0024,000.00 Total Salary Cost 2,70,000.00 2. Program Cost Survey expenditure Performa printing 1000014000.004,000.00 Exposure visit of Project team and CBO leaders Transport (to and fro) Tent Lunch & Dinner 16 01 16 01 01 02 days 03 times 4000.00 350.00 2400.00 4000.00 350.00 2,400.00 S S K establishment03013000.009,000.00 Interface workshop of Nari Shakti at GP with PRI & Other Govt. functionaries 06011000.006,000.00 One day Mega event/Interface workshop of Nari Shakti at block level officials & Media (60+10+10+05 persons) 01 Venue and sitting arrangement Sound system Refreshment for participants Stationary & Banner 01 85 15 01 1500.00 1000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 Total 31,250.00 Items in Red have been partially covered in the 2013-2014 budget

29 3. Training Cost Capacity building of Nari Shakti Leaders (selected 5 leaders from each GP) Right to Work (NREGA) & Right to Food (PDS) 2 days duration (24+6) Venue sitting arrangementNon-Budet Fooding & Tea for participants-30 Nos. for 3 days @3002900.001,800.00 Stationary & Banner01 500.00 Hon. & T.A. to Resource Person01031000.003,000.00 Training on Human Rights30012,400.00 Training on Maternal & Child Health – 2 days30012,400.004,800.00 Training on Gender and Domestic Violence Act -2 days for 30 participants 60014,800.00 Training on Right to Education – 2 days30022,400.004,800.00 Training on Open Gram – PRI 2 days duration 30022,400.004,800.00 Total 26,900.00 4. Over Head Cost Office Rent & Electricity01122,000.0024,000.00 Travel & Fuel to Project Team01121,500.0018,000.00 Stationary0112500.006,000.00 Phone, Fax, E-mail and Postage0112800.009,600.00 Audit fee01 2,000.00 Hospitality (staff meeting with visitors)0112300.003,600.00 One digital Camera01 8,000.00 Total 71,200.00 Grand Total (1+2+3+4)3,99,350.00 Budget Proposal contd…

30 Additional slides

31 Budget for 2012-2013 Rs. Sub-total Rs. 1. Honorarium : -General Coordinator (Dr.S.P Singh) - Jr. H. School Head Teacher (1) - Jr. H. School Asst. Teacher (2) - Primary School Teacher- Dhobahi (1) -Primary School Teacher- Pathraur (1) --Primary School Teacher- Sukhdeopur (2) -Primary School Teacher- Danaogarh(2) 4000/- x 12 2800/- x 12 2400/- x 12 2000/- x 12 1800/- x 12 1700/- x 12 1800/- x 12 48,000.00 33,600.00 57.600.00 24,000.00 21,600.00 20,400.00 21,600.00 2,25,600/- 2.Study Materials for 250 students @ 300/- 300/- x 25075,000/- 3.Cultural Programs2000/- x 510,000/- 4.Health Check Up of Children3000/- x 412,000/- 5.Repairing of centers1500/- x 5 centers7,500/- 6.Meeting expenses, every month250/- x 123,000/- 7. Educational wall paintings 500/-x5 2,500/-

32 E.Teaching Aid (5 Centres) @ Rs.1000/centre5000.00 F.Teachers Training Expenses (2 No) @3000/6000.00 G.Stationary (5 Centers) @ Rs.600/127200.00 H.Tatpatti for 5 centres – 250 feet @ Rs.24/feet-6000.00 I.News Paper & Magazine (3 centres) @ 0/month00 (removed) J.Communication @ Rs.800/month129600.00 K.Games materials- 5 centers @1000/-5000.00 L.Postage & Xe-rox @ Rs.400/month124800.00 M.Travel & Convenience @ Rs.1000/month1212000.00 N.Others 1.Part time Accountant for proper accounting @ Rs.1000/month 2.Audit Fee 3.Honorarium for Community Mobilizer (1 No.) to maintain & continuity of the previous year activities (3000/- per month) 4.Meeting related activities on right to work, RTE, food 2000/- per month 5.One Digital Camera @ Rs.6000 6.Bike Repairing & Maintenance @ Rs.400/month 7.Field Office Expenses @ Rs.1200/month 12 - 6 9 12 12000.00 2500.00 18000.00 6000.00 4800.00 14,400.00 Rs.4,58,400.00

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