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Tree of Life Phylogeny Based on Analysis of rRNA Sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "Tree of Life Phylogeny Based on Analysis of rRNA Sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tree of Life Phylogeny Based on Analysis of rRNA Sequence

2 Prokaryotic Cell

3 Prokaryotic Genetic Material

4 Prokaryotic Cell Division



7 Prokaryotic Genetic Variation?


9 Prokaryote Gene Exchange I


11 Prokaryote Gene Exchange II


13 Prokaryote Gene Exchange III:

14 Phylogeny Based on Analysis of rRNA Sequence

15 Archaea Diversity I Extreme Thermophilic Bacteria

16 Archaea Diversity II Extreme Halophilic Bacteria

17 Archaea Diversity III Methanogens

18 Eubacteria Diversity Chlamydias Spirochetes Proteobacteria Actinobacteria Gram-Positive Bacteria Photosynthetic Bacteria

19 Photosynthetic Bacteria: Cyanobacteria

20 Cyanobacteria Diversity I Prochloron Gloeocapsa Spirulina Oscillatoria Anabaena

21 Cyanobacteria Diversity II Merismopedia Eucapsis

22 Cyanobacteria Photosynthesis: Thylakoid Membrane

23 Thylakoid Pigments I: Chlorophyll a (all), Chlorophyll b (rare)

24 Thylakoid Pigments II: Carotenoids

25 Cyanobacteria Photosynthesis II: Phycobilisomes

26 Phycobilisome Pigments: Phycoerythrin and Phycocyanin

27 Relevance to Plants?

28 Plant Cell

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