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Be Your Own Curator with CHIP Lora Aroyo, Yiwen Wang.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Your Own Curator with CHIP Lora Aroyo, Yiwen Wang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Your Own Curator with CHIP Lora Aroyo, Yiwen Wang

2 CHIP @ Rijksmuseum Amsterdam CHIP - Cultural Heritage Information Personalization Eindhoven University of Technology  Lora Aroyo, Paul De Bra, Natalia Stash, Yiwen Wang Telematica Instituut  Rogier Brussee, Lloyd Rutledge Rijksmuseum Amsterdam  Peter Gorgels, Cathy Jagers

3 Main Research Question Can we use semantic metadata of cultural heritage to improve personalized access through multiple devices (e.g. PC, mobile phone, PDA)?  Semantics-driven recommendations & search  Personalized User Interaction  Enriching existing museum data by using shared vocabularies, e.g. Getty, IconClass

4 Museum Experience Cycle WebMuseum User Profile

5 Personalized Web Access Online Tour Wizard Personalized Museum Experience Personalized Mobile Tour Interactive user modeling Recommendations of artworks and art topics Semantic Search Museum tour maps Historic timeline Interactive tours On-the-fly adaptation Synchronized user profile

6 Approach: Enriched Data Making metadata available in RDF/OWL Making relevant vocabularies available in RDF/OWL Aligning & enriching vocabularies/metadata

7 Rich Description of Artworks



10 style: Baroque teacher of: Gerrit Dou teacher of: Nicolaes Maes teacher of: Ferdinand Bol self-portrait militia place:Amsterdam, 1625 to 1650 Connected Artworks

11 Search



14 Recommendations Explanations Why Baroque is recommended? Why Cow beside a ditch is recommended?

15 Create Your Own Museum Tours

16 View Tours on Historical Timeline

17 Realizations Basic Semantic Web technology:  ready for deployment & useful for: discovering interesting, serendipitous paths in the museum collections linking & making interoperable different museum collections illustrating the added value for using open standards Web 2.0 facilities allow for:  connecting user data on the Web  rich personalization and interaction  overcoming social barriers & bridging the gap between museum professionals and visitors

18 CHIP Demo

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