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Moses Kumar General Secretary and Treasurer The General Council on Finance and Administration.

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1 Moses Kumar General Secretary and Treasurer The General Council on Finance and Administration


3 01 The story of Rex

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7 The Connection at Work

8 MINISTERIAL EDUCATION FUND A 24-year old seminary student at Dubuque Theological Seminary, also under part time appointment shares the following: “When I felt called to go to seminary right after college, I was nervous about the debt that I would continue to acquire from student loans. The Church has helped me to be less nervous by providing me with a scholarship. I can not express how appreciative I am for the generosity of their scholarships. Through their gift, I am able to better look forward to my life of ministry where I may serve God as best as I can.”

9 National Hispanic Plan New Faith Communities 30-months old Spanish-English bilingual second generational UM Church in Milwaukee area, called “Urban Poiema UMC:” “This is the real deal people. People who are Jesus followers, taking time for one another, bearing each other’s burden, laughing, crying and working together as a family. We are not perfect…but Christ is. And we are here for you. Come and join us.”

10 National Korean Plan New Faith Communities 30-months old Madison: Korean Ministry, reaching out Korean students at UW- Madison. "As some of you may know, I was newly appointed to the new (Korean) church planter in Madison, WI since July 1st. no member, no building and no office (I am in a Starbucks now) at this moment... but there are somethings: the Vision of God, supportive friends including my DS and your prayers... yes, please pray for me and my family so that we could be a seed for God's church. One more- If you have a friend who is looking for the Korean church in Madison, call me right now - Peace. "

11 The Quadrennial Budget

12 General Conference GCFA Connectional Table The Book of Discipline Par. 806.1 Economic Advisory Committee Budget Basics – Who’s Involved

13 Budget Basics – Guiding Principles  Reflect mission priorities and outcomes as determined by General Conference and “discerned and articulated” by the Connectional Table in consultation with the Council of Bishops.  Present the budget reports to General Conference in a narrative format.  Consider input from Economic Advisory Committee and Budget Leadership Team  Development of a long-term budget process for evaluating progress in the mission of The UMC via Connectional Table Evaluation

14 Budget Basics – Process and Timeline

15 Recommend to General Conference a “Base Percentage” Base Percentage = Percent of local church “Net Expenditures” that are apportioned for General Funds Net Expenditures have been projected by the Economic Advisory Committee based upon economic assumptions Dollars presented are estimates only and actual apportionments will be different Budget Basics - Outcome

16 Budget Basics – How are funds spent? ✤ Funding plan for the seven apportioned funds of the general Church ✤ World Service ✤ Episcopal ✤ Ministerial Education ✤ Black College ✤ Africa University ✤ General Administration ✤ Interdenominational Cooperation

17 Base Percentage = Percent of local church “Net Expenditures” used to calculate apportionments Proposed budget – Base Percentage trend

18  CT / GCFA 2017 – 2020 approved apportionments = $611 million vs. EAC recommendation of $621 million  1.3% Nominal increase from current quadrennium ($603 million)  7.2% Real spending decrease with average inflation of 2.15% from 2014 to 2020  71% of general agency revenues derived from general apportioned funds Proposed Budget – Summary

19 Fund2017-2020 World Service Fund$311.8 Ministerial Education Fund$107.0 Black College Fund$42.7 Africa University Fund$9.6 Episcopal Fund$93.9 General Administration Fund$37.6 Interdenominational Cooperation Fund$8.4 Total$611.0 Figures shown are in millions Proposed Budget – Distribution by Fund

20 2017-2020 Four Areas of Focus

21 General Agency & Episcopal Fund Reserves Figures shown are in millions

22 Episcopal Fund – 2017-20 Budget

23 The Episcopal Fund – Measures Taken 2014 Retiree Health – Reduced cost of $400,000 annually Reduction of Full COB (with retirees) meetings – From two meetings to one per year Concur Expense System – Improved auditing and tracking 2015 Monthly / Quarterly Financial Communication Between GCFA and COB Leadership – Cost overruns mitigated or eliminated 2016 Restructure of Active Healthcare – High deductible plan 2017-2020 Central Conference Apportionments – Increased giving

24 The Episcopal Fund – Other Considerations ✤ Potential reduction of one in Northeast Jurisdiction ✤ The projected impact - $1.3 million

25 Central Conference Apportionments  Historical Context  2012 actions by General Conference and Judicial Council  Current voluntarily contributions = $950,000 / year  Formula agreed upon in 2015

26 Central Conference Apportionments – Funds Supported  The Episcopal Fund – Directly supports Central Conferences  General Administration Fund – Directly supports:  General Conference (> 40% of attendees from Central Conferences)  Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters

27 Central Conference Apportionments – The Formula  Per member apportionments to each Central Conference = the U.S. per member apportionment adjusted by an Economic Modifier  Per member apportionments in the United States:  Episcopal Fund = $3.00 / Member  General Administration = $1.24 / Member  Economic modifier = GDP / Capita  U.S. GDP / Capita = 100%  Economic modifier is the GDP / Capita in relation to that of the U.S.

28 Region Apportionment / Member Percent of U.S. United States$4.23100.0% Europe$3.3378.7% Philippines$0.5212.3% Africa$0.133.1% Central Conference Apportionments – Effect of Economic Modifier

29 Region 2013 – 2016 Projection New Formula$ Change % Change Philippines$159$472$313197% Europe$2,867$777$(2,090)-73% Africa$704$2,838$2,134303% Quadrennial Amount$3,730$4,087$35710% Figures shown are in thousands Central Conference Apportionments – New Formula Effect




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