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America's Languages in the 21st Century: The National Commission and what WVFTLA Can Do to Advocate for Foreign Language Instruction Bill Rivers, Joint.

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Presentation on theme: "America's Languages in the 21st Century: The National Commission and what WVFTLA Can Do to Advocate for Foreign Language Instruction Bill Rivers, Joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 America's Languages in the 21st Century: The National Commission and what WVFTLA Can Do to Advocate for Foreign Language Instruction Bill Rivers, Joint National Committee for Languages WVFLTA Fall Conference October 17, 2015 WVSU, Institute, WV

2 Overview Federal Programs and funding in 2015 JNCL-NCLIS Advocacy Strategy Global Talent The Commission on Language Learning of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences What YOU can do!

3 Programs & Funding FLAP: No action in FY 16; still at zero in the USED budget request Title VI/Fulbright-Hays: $4m increase in the USED budget request; STARTALK – level funded NSEP: level funded – Flagship – K-12 Partnerships As always: we may have a Continuing Resolution (everything at FY14 levels) or an Omnibus or a shutdown. THEREFORE: vitally important to keep sending our message to the Hill on the importance of language and the need for these programs

4 JNCL-NCLIS Congressional Strategy Focus on AAAS study: Focus on programs funded by security agencies, as national security funding is likely to increase – STARTALK – Flagship/NSEP – DLIFLC Maintain pressure on USED: FLAP, Title VI/F-H Seal of Biliteracy Continue developing strong relationships in the White House and business sector Continue to make the case for language as a vital component of responsible 21 st Century citizenship – FL & STEM ( – FL & Educational, cognitive benefits ( content/uploads/2014/06/Language-Immersion-can-Close-Achievement-Gaps.pdf) content/uploads/2014/06/Language-Immersion-can-Close-Achievement-Gaps.pdf – FL & jobs (

5 The Global Talent Program Globalization & Localization Association Task Force on Global Talent (GTP): – Google, Cisco, eBay, Twitter, Microsoft, Marriott, ManPower, JNCL- NCLIS; Chair – Bill Rivers, JNCL-NCLIS Invitation to participate in Michigan State University’s annual Recruiting Trends recruiting-trends/ recruiting-trends/ Pilot survey in March 2014 with GALA Module on cultural & linguistic capital in Summer, 2014 survey – mid (100-500 workers) and large (>500 workers) size businesses – Their hiring plans for spring 2015 semester – Focus on entry level positions, requirements, perceived gaps n = 2101 (2008: 90,386 mid-size and 18,469 large businesses in the US. US Census Bureau, 2010) Survey repeated in October 2015 – results to come

6 Global Talent Survey: Preliminary Results 33% of US mid and large size companies have international operations and/or serve multilingual/multicultural clientele 11% actively seek recruits with FL skills 93% seek “employees who can show they are able to work effectively with customers, clients, and businesses from a range of different countries and cultures.” 64% seek employees with multicultural experience 49% seek employees with overseas experience 55% track employee FL skills 35% give advantage to multilingual candidates 21% report difficulty in managing and integrating diverse teams due to a lack of global talent 14% report a loss of business opportunities due to a lack of FL skills Top business skills in demand for initial hires with Global Talent: sales, customer service, project management 69% of respondents believe that higher education must do more to prepare students with Global Talent Video: deos/report_importance_of_global_talent_within_international_businesses deos/report_importance_of_global_talent_within_international_businesses

7 American Academy of Arts and Sciences & Language AAAS – founded in 1780 by John Adams, John Hancock, John Bowdoin Oldest US honorary zcademy 2013: The Heart of the Matter – Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences; – Requested by Congress in 2012 2013 – participant in the Languages for All summit 2014 –request from Congress to AAAS to assess the impact of language on the national interest ( – First broad based, Congressionally requested study since 1978 (“Perkins Commission”) New commission will work for a year to assess the impact of FL on education, global security, economic growth, and social justice, and hen spend a second year proselytizing Stay Tuned for More! – PR opportunities throughout the commission’s work; public hearings – Senior commissioners who will speak out on language – Coherent agenda for 2016 and beyond – Congressional interest after the publishing of the report in 2016

8 Looking forward: AAAS Commission on Language Learning Commission announced July 31, 2015 Chair: Dr. Paul LeClerc, former CEO, NYPL and former president, CUNY-Hunter Members as of 9/30/15 (* denotes a fellow of AAAS): – Dr. Dan Davidson, President, American Councils for International Education – Ms. Marty Abbott, Executive Director, ACTFL – Dr. Rosemary Feal, Executive Director, MLA – Amb. Karl Eikenberry*, LTG, USA (ret.), Stanford University – Dr. Pauline Yu*, President, American Council of Learned Societies – Dr. Nicholas Dirks*, Chancellor, University of California (Berkeley) – Ms. Jessie Little Doe Baird, Wôpanâak Nation – Dr. Mark Aronoff*, SUNY-Stonybrook Dept. of Linguistics – Dr. Phil Rubin, Haskins Lab – Hon. Diane Wood*, Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals, 7 th Circuit – Dr. Carol Gluck*, Columbia University – Dr. Hunter Rawlings*, American Association of Universities – Amb. Nancy McEldowney, Foreign Service Institute – Marta Tienda*, Princeton University More have been/will be invited 3 public meetings of the full commission Additional subcommittee meetings Invited testimony (oral & written)

9 What can you do? Make your class and program the best it can be! Engage in continual professional development – – WVFLTA – ACTFL – Your language organization Let us know how we can help: – Nevada, Indiana, Virginia, Maryland Seals of Bilteracy; Rhode Island Language Commission; Indiana – Dual Language Immersion bill Sign up for our newsbrief & policy alerts at Work with the ACTFL state teams: Write to your Congress members when we send a policy alert! Come to Language Advocacy Days (February 25-26)

10 LANGUAGE ADVOCACY DAYS February 25-26, Washington, DC embership/2016-language- advocacy-day-registration/

11 Contact Bill Rivers,

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