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Template by Kevin Dufendach Updates at not in any way.

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Presentation on theme: "Template by Kevin Dufendach Updates at not in any way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Template by Kevin Dufendach Updates at not in any way endorsed or affiliated with the Jeopardy Game Show Board Instructions

2 Board $0 Instructions To start a new game, click the “reset” button on the board slide. This will reset the board, set each player’s score to 0, and randomly move the Daily Double. Click “Adj Scores” from the board to manually change scores. Click on the lights at the bottom to start a countdown (click below to change). Incorrect response: Click the “incorrect” button if the player responds incorrectly, and their score will subtract. Correct response: Press the “correct” button if the player responds correctly, and the correct response will then be shown. –To skip viewing the correct response, check the box below If no one gets the question correct, press the arrow to go to the next slide (or return to the board if the checkbox below is checked). Troubleshooting: –Do not delete the value shape (e.g. $400) from any slide. If you don’t like it, you can move it off the screen, but DON’T DELETE IT, and don’t change its text!!! –Do not delete question slides and copy them in from somewhere else. You can do this to replace “answer” slides, but just not question slides (unless you re-apply the hyperlinks to the board) –If none of the functions are working, see “Macro Troubleshooting”“Macro Troubleshooting” Template by Kevin Dufendach. Updates at Please send questions and comments to Reset Import from Excel Template (Template available online) Adjust Countdown Timer

3 Board $0 Macro Troubleshooting If you’re having trouble getting this PowerPoint to work, be sure to “Enable Macros” when opening the file. If you don’t see this box when you open PowerPoint, your security settings may be set too high. In this case, go to the “Tools” menu and select “Options.” Click on [Macro Security…] and then select “Medium.” Press OK until you return to the show. Now save this file and then re-open it. You should now receive the dialog shown above. Click “Enable Macros” Note: some of the functions may not work with versions of PowerPoint other than PowerPoint 2003. That’s the only version I’ve tested it on. I’m sure it won’t work on PowerPoint for Mac 2008.

4 Board $0 Board Bourbon Triumvirate Henry Grady & ICE Watson, Populists & Felton Racial Tensions Washington Dubois Hope Herndon WWI Reset Instructions Go Double $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The Daily Double is located at: E4 Move to reveal location Adj Scores

5 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Dominated Georgia Politics for 20 years $100

6 Board $0 Who are The Bourbon Triumvirate $100

7 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Made up the Bourbon Redeemers $200

8 Board $0 Who are Joseph Brown, John Gordon and Alfred Colquit $200

9 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The Civil War Governor $300

10 Board $0 Who is Joseph E. Brown $300

11 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Civil War General Turned Clansman $400

12 Board $0 Who is John B. Gordon $400

13 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Businessman of the Triumvirate $500

14 Board $0 Who Alfred Colquit $500

15 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Ally to the Bourbon Triumvirate $100

16 Board $0 Who is Henry Grady $100

17 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Henry Grady worked for this newspaper as editor and journalist $200

18 Board $0 What is the Atlanta Constitution $200

19 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This event put a spotlight on Georgia’s growing textile industry $300

20 Board $0 What is the International Cotton Exposition or ICE $300

21 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This city in Georgia hosted the I.C.E. $400

22 Board $0 What is Atlanta $400

23 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Atlanta hosted the I.C.E. for these 3 years $500

24 Board $0 What is 1881, 1887 and 1895 $500

25 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The first woman to hold a senate seat $100

26 Board $0 Who is Rebecca Lattimore Felton $100

27 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 To protect and promote farmers interests, this movement was organized $200

28 Board $0 What is the Farmers Alliance $200

29 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Supporters of the farmers Alliance formed their own political party called this $300

30 Board $0 What is the People’s Party or the Populist Party $300

31 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The Leader of the Populist Party $400

32 Board $0 Who is Tom Watson $400

33 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 By the late 1890’s, this political party reestablished firm dominance after the Populist Party lost its momentum $500

34 Board $0 What is the Democratic Party $500

35 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 On September 22, 1906, Atlanta newspapers published articles alleging black men assaulted white women, causing the attack of a black messenger and this racially driven event $100

36 Board $0 What is the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot? $100

37 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Hatred toward Jews $200

38 Board $0 $200 What is Antisemitism

39 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This court case shed light on antisemitism when 13-year-old Mary Phagan was found murdered in an Atlanta Pencil Factory $300

40 Board $0 What is the Leo Frank Case $300

41 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 These laws began the segregation of schools, hotels, restaurants, restrooms, etc. $400

42 Board $0 What are Jim Crow Laws $400

43 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The U.S. Supreme Court, in this case, said that segregation was legal, as long as facilities were “separate but equal” $500

44 Board $0 What is Plessy v. Ferguson $500

45 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The act of denying the right to vote $100

46 Board $0 What is Disenfranchisement $100

47 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 These two prominent, African- American leaders differed in their responses to discrimination: one believing in hard work and vocational education, and the other in constant confrontation $200

48 Board $0 Who are Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois $200

49 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Founded Neighborhood Union $300

50 Board $0 Who is Lugenia Burns Hope $300

51 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Served as the founding president of Atlanta University (later Clark Atlanta University) $400

52 Board $0 Who is John Hope $400

53 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The “South” was called this because of its transition from agriculture to business and industry. $500

54 Board $0 Enter your wager: Go! $

55 Board $0 What is The New South $500

56 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 A deep loyalty to one’s own ethnic group/nationality $100

57 Board $0 What is Intense Nationalism or nationalism $100

58 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 These were formed to maintain a balance of power $200

59 Board $0 What are military allinces $200

60 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 These 3 things triggered the US’s entry into WWI $300

61 Board $0 What are The Zimmerman Telegram, unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania $300

62 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The approximate number of Georgians who served in the armed forces during WWI $400

63 Board $0 What is 100,000 $400

64 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 In 1917, this camp was opened to hold German prisoners of war $500

65 Board $0 What is Ft. Oglethorpe $500

66 Board $0 Board Bourbon Triumvirate Tom Watson & the Populists Racial Tensions Racial Tensions 2 Successful Blacks WWI Reset Single Final $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 The Daily Double is located at: A3 Move to reveal location Adj Scores

67 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Became the leader of Georgia’s KKK $200

68 Board $0 Who is Joseph Gordon $200

69 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Referred to as a turncoat or opportunist $400

70 Board $0 Who is Joseph E Brown $400

71 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Became a successful railroad and textile speculator $600

72 Board $0 Who is Alfred H Colquitt $600

73 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The term “Bourbon” referred to a powerful French ruling family, so it came to mean this $800

74 Board $0 What is any powerful ruling elite $800

75 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 In order to maintain power, the Bourbons must convince Georgians to place their trust in this $1000

76 Board $0 What is industry $1000

77 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Supporters of the farmers alliance formed their own political party to challenge this group who had betrayed them $200

78 Board $0 Who are the Democrats $200

79 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The People’s Party or Populist Party fought specifically for this group of people $400

80 Board $0 Who are farmers $400

81 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Tom Watson, the leader of the Populist or People’s Party worked in this profession $600

82 Board $0 What is a lawyer $600

83 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This bill provided free mail delivery to rural farmers $800

84 Board $0 What is RFD $800

85 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The growing popularity of the populist party caused this political party to begin paying more attention to farmers needs $1000

86 Board $0 Who are the Democrats $1000

87 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This amendment guaranteed African Americans the right to vote $200

88 Board $0 What is the 15 th Amendment $200

89 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This 13 year old girl was found dead in an Atlanta factory by a black Janitor $400

90 Board $0 Who is Mary Phagan $400

91 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Rural counties have equal or more votes than large, urban counties $600

92 Board $0 Camels, $600 response $600

93 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 The U.S. Supreme court that said “separate but equal” was legal $800

94 Board $0 What is Plessy v. Ferguson $800

95 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Court case that challenge Plessy v. Ferguson $1000

96 Board $0 What is Brown v. Board of Education $1000

97 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Required citizens to pay a tax prior to voting (eliminating the poor) $200

98 Board $0 What is a poll tax $200

99 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Required citizens to prove the ability to read before being able to vote $400

100 Board $0 What is a literacy test $400

101 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Since most blacks in the South were sharecroppers, registration was often scheduled during planting and harvest seasons $600

102 Board $0 What is inconvenient voter registration $600

103 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This group used tactics such as “lighting” crosses, burning churches, guarding places, beatings, murders, etc. to scare blacks away from voting $800

104 Board $0 Who is the Klu Klux Klan or KKK $800

105 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This man, being 1/8 black, was arrested for sitting in the “whites only” section of the train $1000

106 Board $0 Who is Homer Plessy $1000

107 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Founded the Tuskegee Institute $200

108 Board $0 Who is Booker T. Washington $200

109 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Believed Booker T. Washington had been too willing to compromise the rights of blacks $400

110 Board $0 W. E. B. Du Bois $400

111 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Established the first graduate studies program specifically for blacks $600

112 Board $0 Who is John Hope $600

113 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Made multiple achievements in the field of social activism $800

114 Board $0 Who is Lugenia Burns Hope $800

115 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 By the time of his death in 1927, he was Atlanta’s wealthiest African- American $1000

116 Board $0 Elephants, $1000 response $1000

117 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Germany, Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire formed this $200

118 Board $0 What are The Central Powers $200

119 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 Great Britain, France and Russia $400

120 Board $0 What are The Allies $400

121 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary was assassinated $600

122 Board $0 Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand $600

123 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 This man was elected U.S. president by promising to keep America out of WWI $800

124 Board $0 Who was Woodrow Wilson $800

125 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect Board $0 A secret telegram from German to Mexico was discovered $1000

126 Board $0 What is the Zimmerman Telegram $1000

127 Board $0 Enter your wager: Go! $

128 Board $0 Final Jeopardy Category Reveal Response Reveal Prompt Final Jeopardy Prompt

129 Board $0 Final Jeopardy Response CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect CorrectIncorrect

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