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5 W’s of Teaching By Sabrina Pimental.

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Presentation on theme: "5 W’s of Teaching By Sabrina Pimental."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 W’s of Teaching By Sabrina Pimental

2 Who I am! I am a senior at the university of Rhode Island studying English and Secondary Education. As a person I am extremely family orientated. In my spare time I read, write, play the guitar and snowboard. As a teacher I believe in the individual as well as a classroom community. Therefore, I strive to get to know and interest everyone of my students.

3 Why Teach? I chose to become a teacher because I did not have a lot of inspiring teachers in school. The few inspiring teachers that I did have made me think “gee, there should be more teachers like this” and so I set out to become an inspiring teacher. I love teaching. There is no better feeling in the world then helping a student understand something and watching the light bulb go off in their heads as a look of sudden realization comes over them. Learning to me is fun and so teaching is being a life long learner especially since you need to learn from your students. Therefore, I am going to be learning for the rest of my life.

4 Philosophy of Teaching
Behavioral Managerial Humanistic Authoritative

5 It Takes a Bit of Everything
Managerial Authoritative Their will be clear expectations for the class. Class activities will be organized and clearly planned out to optimize class time. Classroom rules set up by the students and I will be clear and enforced. The classroom will be run and work as a community with the students and I working together to optimize classroom time and create a warm learning environment.

6 A Little Bit of Everything
Behavioral Humanistic I believe that if a student’s good behavior is encouraged, then the students will be discouraged from bad behavior. I believe that sometimes all it takes is a small cue like eye contact to stop miss behavior. However, I will address behavior when necessary. I believe that as a teacher I need to understand where the student is coming from and why their behavior is happening whether good or bad. As a teacher, it is my job to help my students grow in more then just their academics.

7 A Little Bit of Everything
In my classroom, I will utilize these four classroom approaches in a balanced manor so that I am able to handle any number of situations that may arise and achieve my overall classroom philosophy. My classroom philosophy is that the classroom is like a community and so we all need to work together. Through our individual abilities and abilities working together as a class, we can get through any problem, learn and have a warm inclusive environment.

8 Rules of Our Classroom Community
Be Kind to Yourself Be Kind to Your School More to Add With Students Put Forth You Best Effort Be Kind to Others

9 If We Cannot Follow The Rules
Verbal Warning Lets Talk in The Hall Call Home Stay After School Lunch Detention Go to The Office

10 Positive Behavioral intervention Plan PBIS
Tier One- For the whole class their will be clear rules and consequences as well as supports to help students follow these rules. Supports like reminders, rule postings and conferences with me. Tier Two- If behavioral problems escalate, I can create small group learning to work on classroom behavior. Tier Three- If a student needs individual work on behavior, I will meet with them one on one to discuss and create a plan for individual intervention for their behavior.

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