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Introducing Milestone Life Coaching and Consultancy Better Together.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Milestone Life Coaching and Consultancy Better Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Milestone Life Coaching and Consultancy Better Together

2 Who we are Our vision Our Mission  To help individuals, groups and organisations understand, unlock and achieve their full potential.  A well respected coaching and consultancy service with a diverse client base delivering benefits to individuals, businesses and groups in Canberra, across Australia and the world.

3 Who we are Our business  Personal  Life Coaching  Career coaching  Conflict coaching  Workplace coaching  Business coaching  Consultancy

4 What is coaching? Future focused Strengths based  Our strengths provide us our personal and business competitive advantage  Identification and enhancement of our strengths delivers greatest effectiveness  Coaching differs from counseling in this regard  We focus on what clients want to achieve and work with them to achieve those goals

5 Life Coaching Case study  Robert is a young 19 year old struggling to make positive life choices.  Through coaching Robert identified his desired future and put in place strategies to achieve it.  Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives. Through the process of coaching, the client deepens their learning, improves their performance, and enhances their quality of life.  helps people identify and achieve personal goals.

6 Career Coaching Case study  Pamela is a middle aged woman. Having raised her family she wanted to re-establish her career.  Through the application of a narrative coaching approach Pamela identified her passions and strengths and strategically achieved a job that was a good fit against these.  Guides individuals through the process of career choice and change, including career progression, re-entering the workforce, retirement and redundancy.

7 Conflict Coaching Case study  Roger had a formal discrimination compliant raised against him.  As a career professional he felt his career under threat and his professionalism challenged.  Through conflict coaching Roger was able to reflect on the situation from a variety of perspectives and take a more positive attitude into the process.  A structured process that helps people, on a one on one basis, to develop or enhance their skills, knowledge, awareness and competence, to more effectively engage in and manage interpersonal conflict.

8 Business Coaching Case study  Sally is a small business owner in the community sector.  She was struggling to maintain positive cash flow, generate sales enquiries and convert these effectively.  Through a process of planning and analysis Sally has a positive outlook for her business and a clearer vision of where she is headed.  provides positive support, feedback and advice to an individual or on a group basis to improve personal effectiveness and the effectiveness of their enterprise or business.

9 Workplace/Team performance Coaching Case study  A group of senior managers in the public sector were struggling to identify their team role and develop an effective level of functioning.  Through team coaching and a process of appreciative enquiry they were able to agree on a preferred way of working and identify effective strategies to improve their team effectiveness.  Improves the performance of a work team through promoting team spirit, communication and building team effectiveness.

10 Consultancy Case study  This organisation did not understand its business performance – it wanted to know which parts of the business were contributing effectively to business success.  Through a process of analysis and enquiry a service map was developed that looked at all cost centres across each of the 7 divisions and allowed an informed discussion around business strategy.  Providing strategic business services to business and enterprise.

11 What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us  E:  M: 0413 577 524  @milestone_coach

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