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L ORD, your word to me remember for the hope your promise gives. In affliction I find comfort: through your word my soul still lives. [Sing to the Lord.

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Presentation on theme: "L ORD, your word to me remember for the hope your promise gives. In affliction I find comfort: through your word my soul still lives. [Sing to the Lord."— Presentation transcript:

1 L ORD, your word to me remember for the hope your promise gives. In affliction I find comfort: through your word my soul still lives. [Sing to the Lord 119:49-56]

2 2. While the arrogant deride me, still to your command I hold. Thinking on your former judgments lifts my spirit, makes me bold.

3 3. Wicked men, your law forsaking, stir my indignation strong; for in all my pilgrim journey your commandments are my song.

4 4. You have been my meditation, and your law has been my guide; I have kept your righteous precepts and have found them true and tried. Sing to the Lord 119:49-56 Public domain Text: Psalter Hymnal, 1957, alt. Tune: Christian F. Witt, 1715; adapt. Henry J. Gauntlett, 1861

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