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Takaful in Pakistan Framework, Opportunities & Challenges Shoaib Soofi August 11, 2007 Lahore.

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Presentation on theme: "Takaful in Pakistan Framework, Opportunities & Challenges Shoaib Soofi August 11, 2007 Lahore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Takaful in Pakistan Framework, Opportunities & Challenges Shoaib Soofi August 11, 2007 Lahore

2 Introduction Started in 1979 from Sudan, Over 85 Takaful Operators in more than 25 countries, Annual Premium over 3 billion dollars worldwide, In Pakistan, Takaful introduced in September 2005 through Takaful Rules, Currently 2 General Takaful Operators in Pakistan and 4-5 in process.

3 Controlling Documents of Takaful Insurance Ordinance, 2000 Insurance Rules, 2002 Takaful Rules,2005 SECP Circulars Takaful Operators have to comply with all the above documents.

4 Major Regulatory Requirements for Takaful Business in Pakistan

5 Registration Registration under section 6 of the Insurance Ordinance is required to carry on Takaful Business, A company can be registered either as a Family Takaful Operator or General Takaful Operator but NOT both. Window Takaful Operations by existing Conventional Insurers are NOT ALLOWED,

6 Shariah Board Takaful Operator shall appoint a Shariah Board, At least 3 high calibre scholars with knowledge of modern financial dealings, Responsible for approval of products, investment and operational practices, Provision of Central Shariah Board at SECP level

7 Minimum Paid up Capital Family Takaful Operator: Rs. 500 million General Takaful Operator: Rs. 300 million

8 Minimum Solvency Margin Admissible Assets less Liabilities, As per the Insurance Ordinance plus the condition that the securities must be approved by the Shariah Board, Solvency requirements being reviewed.

9 Minimum Statutory Deposit Takaful Operators have to deposit and keep deposited with State Bank a minimum amount in cash or approved securities. Currently the minimum amount is higher of Rs. 10 million or 10% of Paid-up-Capital, The securities for this purpose must be approved under the Insurance Ordinance and should be instruments of approved Islamic Financial Institutions.

10 Operational Models The principal model for insurance risk management component shall be based on “Wakala”, The principal model for investment components shall be based on “Modarba”, The Takaful product shall be based on the principal of Wakala or Modarba or both.

11 ReTakaful/Reinsurance Should be adequate and in accordance with the guidelines of Shariah Board of Takaful Operator, In case Shariah Compliant Re-Takaful is insufficient, conventional reinsurance can be arranged with the advice of Shariah Board, Risk sharing among Takaful Operators within or outside Pakistan with permission of SECP,

12 Maintenance of Funds Each Takaful Operator shall maintain two funds: Shareholder Fund (SHF), Participants Takaful Fund (PTF)

13 Investment Investments of the Funds must be Shariah Compliant under the advice of the Shariah Board, Should also comply with other requirements of the Insurance Ordinance.

14 Market Conduct Participants should not be mislead or deceived, Ambiguities in favor of participants, Agents’ Training, SECP may visit Takaful Operators and Agents to check their Market Conduct.

15 Opportunities Challenges Developments

16 Opportunities for Takaful Large untapped insurance market in Pakistan Religious beliefs about insurance, Important pillar of Islamic Financial Market, Few Strong players in the Pakistani Market, High Growth Rate Internationally – over 20%

17 Key Challenges Human Resource, Shariah Issues, Limited Investment Avenues, Limited Re-takaful options,

18 Recent Developments A comprehensive paper on issues in Takaful Regulation prepared by a joint working group of IFSB-IAIS A committee has been formed by SECP to review Takaful Rules including window operations by Conventional Insurers and certain accounting issues.

19 Thank You

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