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Got materials? Pencil Mutation Lab Handout Brains.

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1 Got materials? Pencil Mutation Lab Handout Brains

2 An introduction to Point Mutation
Mutations by An logy An introduction to Point Mutation After this lesson students will be able to identify three types of point mutation: substitution, insertion, and deletion; and predict & explain the effect of these genetic mutations coding for mRNA on protein synthesis.

3 Language Arts question:
What is an ANALOGY?

4 INSTRUCTIONS Every three bases on the mRNA codes for an amino acid. Every three bases of our “Secret Pseudo-Protein Code” codes for a letter or punctuation mark. Since our “Secret Pseudo-Protein Code” is more familiar, we will use it to examine mutations. Remember the same rules hold for both codes: All messages must begin with START. There are no spaces between three letter words; one simply counts every three letters.

5 H a l l o ! H e l l o ! One letter was changed.
Original message: A U G G U G U U C A C U A C U G C A U A A Point substitution mutation: A U G G U G A U C A C U A C U G C A U A A What was the effect of this mutation? If this had been an mRNA coding for a protein, what would have been changed? H a l l o ! | | | | | | | | H e l l o ! | | | | | | | | One letter was changed. One amino acid was changed.

6 Message stopped prematurely.
2. Original message: A U G A C A U C A U G G A G A G A U C A A A U C Point deletion mutation: A U G A C A U C A U G A G A G A U C A A A U C What was the effect of this mutation? If this had been an mRNA coding for a protein, what would have been changed? m i x t u r e | | | | | | | | m i . | | | | | | | | Message stopped prematurely. Only part of protein synthesized.

7 Did the size of this mutation’s EFFECT surprise you?
Answer this: Did the size of this mutation’s EFFECT surprise you?

8 Wrong letters & no STOP code
3. Original message: A U G G A G U C U U U C A A A U A G U A G A G G Point insertion mutation: A U G G A G U C U U U C A A U A U A G U A G A G G What was the effect of this mutation? If this had been an mRNA coding for a protein, what would have been changed? W h a t ? | | | | | | | | | g W W h a s F | | | | | | | | | Wrong letters & no STOP code Longer, but nonfunctioning, protein

9 NO message because no start
Original message: A U G U A U C A A G C A A A A A U C U C A G C U Point substitution mutation: G U G U A U C A A G C A A A A A U C U C A G C U What was the effect of this mutation? If this had been an mRNA coding for a protein, what would have been changed? P r o t e i n | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | NO message because no start NO protein because no start (met)

10 L a t e r . L a t e r . NO change in message NO change in protein
5. Original message: A U G C C G U U C A A A A U C C A A U G A G C U Point substitution mutation: A U G C C G U U C A G A A U C C A A U G A G C U What was the effect of this mutation? If this had been an mRNA coding for a protein, what would have been changed? L a t e r . | | | | | | | | | L a t e r | | | | | | | | | NO change in message NO change in protein

11 Redundant: Definition: excess, wordy The code is redundant; there is more than one way to code for the same amino acid.

12 The mutation was actually in the DNA base-pair order.
During this activity you modeled protein synthesis using mRNA. But where did the mutation originally occur? The mutation was actually in the DNA base-pair order.

13 change in base order of DNA in a cell’s chromosome.
7. What is a mutation? A mutation is a change in base order of DNA in a cell’s chromosome.

14 changes in order, &/or number, of amino acids in the protein.
8. How can a change in the DNA cause a change in an organism’s protein? Change in DNA causes change in mRNA causes changes in order, &/or number, of amino acids in the protein.

15 Most amino acids (& STOP) have more than one code.
9. Do all mutations in the DNA coding for mRNA cause a change in an organism? Why or why not? NO! Code is redundant: Most amino acids (& STOP) have more than one code. Some changes in base order do NOT cause changes in amino acids .

16 10. Are mutations helpful or harmful?
Some mutations can be helpful . Disease resistance Hallo!  Hello! Some mutations can be harmful . Cancer What?  WhaSFgW Many mutations are often neutral . Little/no change Later.  Later.

17 10. Are mutations helpful or harmful?
Can be helpful , harmful, neutral. Whether a mutation is good or bad is often a function of the environment . Sickle cell anemia Stress  blood cells change shape  pain, strokes, etc.  Can’t catch malaria!

18 Got name?

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