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Of all the economic and political systems we have studied so far, which would you want to live in? Why? Write your answer on a your Entry Task sheet. Entry.

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Presentation on theme: "Of all the economic and political systems we have studied so far, which would you want to live in? Why? Write your answer on a your Entry Task sheet. Entry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Of all the economic and political systems we have studied so far, which would you want to live in? Why? Write your answer on a your Entry Task sheet. Entry Task: SWBAT Analyze different economic systems by completing a SOAP organizer

2 Academic Expectations Behavior Expectations 1.Fill in the graphic organizer for each country and each economic and political system. 2.Think CRITICALLY about how these countries might fall under….. -Socialism -Democracy -Capitalism -Dictatorship OR……a combination of 2? Volume: 2. (Partner Talk) Movement: From table to table as directed. Participation: -Read thoughtfully. -Think about Reading Checks -Answer vocabulary

3 1971 - Present

4 Salvador Allende has been seen as both a saint by his people. and avillain

5 Allende was a democratic socialist. He ran for president three times before he was finally elected in November of 1970. Our top news story today: Salvador Allende was elected president! Let’s take a look at the reaction from the crowd!

6 Democracy A political system in which a country’s people elect their leaders and the leaders rule by majority.

7 Dictatorship A political system in which a country’s leader takes power by force and rules indefinitely.

8 Socialism An economic system that promotes shared ownership and control of land, resources, manufacturing, and corporations in the community as a whole.

9 Free Market (Capitalism) An economic system that promotes limited government control over the economy and individual ownership and control of land, resources, manufacturing, and corporations

10 Karl Marx (May 5, 1818 – March 14, 1883) was an immensely influential philosopher, political economist, and socialist revolutionary. While Marx addressed a wide range of issues, he is most famous for his analysis of history in terms of class struggles, summed up in the opening line of the introduction to the Communist Manifesto: "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."

11 Socialism Free Market Government controls prices of items Buyers and sellers decide prices of items Types of Economies Government controls all production & distribution Low government involvement in business Citizens assigned jobs based on ability Individuals choose jobs Property is publicly owned Property is privately owned Seeks to build a “classless” society Individuals make different amounts of money, resulting in economic “classes”

12 Socialism Free Market Mixed Economy - elements of both public and private ownership DemocratsRepublicans The “Left”The “Right”

13 Back to Allende…. Allende was a Democratic Socialist. Based on what we just discussed, what does that mean?

14 His first year as president was a success. During this time many of the largest companies in Chile were nationalized.

15 Nationalize Nationalize: When a nation’s government takes control or ownership of businesses or other entities.

16 Allende first targeted the copper mines which are among the largest in the world and accounted for a large percentage of the Chilean economy.

17 However, they were almost entirely owned by two American Companies, Anaconda and Kennecott.

18 Allende needed the approval of the Chilean National Congress to nationalize the mines which he received in the form of unanimous vote in 1971. The copper mines were only the beginning, however and soon the state nationalized banks and other foreign firms.

19 Allende also took charge of most of the private estates throughout the country and gave the land to the workers who actually worked the land. In the factories he placed workers and representatives from the state in management positions.

20 Shortly after however Chilean politics degenerated into a state of civil unrest amid strikes, lockouts, U.S. economic sanctions, and a disastrous recession.

21 In 1973, General Augusto Pinochet led a military coup against Allende and seized power.

22 Military Coup Definition: Sudden, often violent, overthrow of an existing government by a group of conspirators. Coups are most common in countries with unstable governments and in countries with little experience of successful democracy. Their success depends on surprise and speed.

23 On Tuesday, September 11, 1970, at 8:20 Pinochet’s forces bombed La Moneda Presidential Palace. Around 10:00 Allende declared over the radio that he refused to surrender to the military invasion but when 2:00 came the palace was breached and Allende it is said committed suicide.


25 Many people believe the United States was directly responsible for Salvador Allende’s death and Pinochet’s subsequent dictatorship.

26 Pinochet ruled Chile as a dictator for the next 17 years without holding elections, and his regime was noted for its human rights abuses.

27 May use fear, intimidation, or suppression of civil liberties May use propaganda to keep the support of the people Form of Government Leader is responsible to the citizens for the decisions they make Leader can take power by force; doesn’t have to be elected Leader holds power until they are voted out of office Leader has absolute power Leader can hold power for as long as they want to without elections One “Main” Leader DictatorshipDemocracy Citizens elect the leader Freedom of Press Keep order through enforcing laws

28 Academic ExpectationsBehavior Expectations 1.Work with your partner to find out what economic or political system your slip is associated with. Is it…. -Socialism? -Capitalism? -Democracy? -Dictatorship? 2. Be prepared to DEFEND your thinking Volume: 2- Partner Talk Movement: Stick with your partner, where they go, you go! Participation: -Read your slip -Go through your notes -Decide the right place for you. -Make it happen!

29 Pinochet was later charged with war crimes in connection with a campaign, known as "Operation Condor," in which several South American dictatorships sought to suppress political opponents.

30 More than 3,000 people were killed or “disappeared” during his rule from 1973 to 1990.

31 "We were the generation that thought we had the world in our hands. We were building a new country, and we gave our all to the cause. We lived and felt intensely, every moment." Estela Ortiz, 39, a communist youth activist during the socialist government of Salvador Allende (1970-73).

32 Who were the “disappeared”? People who sympathized or supported Allende Trade union members and workers Military personnel Human Rights Activists Victims Rights Groups Those who sympathized with families of victims Religious leaders who did not support Pinochet Any political opposition groups And… Any of their friends or family.

33 Chile’s Return to Democracy Pinochet was confronted with increasing opposition, mainly at the international level, Pinochet legalized political parties in 1987 and called for a vote to determine if he should remain in power Another reason of Pinochet's decision to call for elections was the April 1987 visit of Pope John Paul II to Chile. According to the US Catholic author George Weigel, he held a meeting with Pinochet during which they discussed a return to democracy. John Paul II allegedly pushed Pinochet to accept a democratic opening of the regime, and even called for his resignation. Political advertising was legalized on 5 September 1987 The Opposition, gathered into the Concertación de Partidos por el NO ("Coalition of Parties for NO"), organized a colorful and cheerful campaign under the slogan La alegría ya viene ("Joy is coming"). It was formed by the Christian Democracy, the Socialist Party and the Radical Party, gathered in the Alianza Democrática (Democratic AllianceConcertación de Partidos por el NOChristian DemocracySocialist PartyRadical Party Patricio Avlwin, a Christian Democrat won the presidential election in December 1989

34 Why would the USA feel a need to get involved in Chile? A Brief History!

35 What inferences can you make about US policy in the early 20 th century based on these antique posters?

36 ISOLATIONISM For most of its history– the US practiced a policy of isolationism: they did not get involved in world problems.

37 This worked until World War II (WWII). WWII happened because a political system called FASCISM became very powerful in Europe and Asia. A few powerful fascist countries started taking over other countries by force. Their symbols and leaders today are still recognized as symbols of hatred and evil.

38 FASCISM Fascism is a political system that puts the state before the individual. In a fascist country, one leader claims total control over the country (a dictator) and demands complete loyalty to him/herself and the nation. Privacy, happiness, and individual pursuits are all considered secondary to the needs of the country.

39 Dark brown: Communist Red brown: Fascist Yellow: Authoritarian What areas were taken over by Fascism?



42 POST WWII and Fascism: The USA is one of the most powerful countries in the world, also called a HEGEMONY. As a hegemony, the world looks to the USA as the world leader and expects them to get involved to keep peace. The USA does not wish to repeat the mistakes of allowing Fascism to get so powerful. Communism/Command Market Economic Systems emerge as a threat to the Free Market System of the USA.

43 The Soviet Union (Russia) was the biggest communist power in the world. It was also the other HEGEMONY in the world at the time. The USA feared a repeat of fascism’s spread and tried to stop Soviet relations, or the spread of communism, anywhere it looked like it was happening.

44 Democra cy Dictatorsh ip Fascis m Communis m Comman d Market Free Market CONTR OL XXXX FREED OM XX

45 Blue - US and US allies. World Map 1970 Red - Soviet Union and other communist allies. Orange - Communist countries not aligned with the USSR. Pink - Non Communist allies of USSR


47 CIA DECLASSIFIED Is the United States responsible for the death of Salvador Allende? What did the United States have to gain from his death? What did they have to lose by putting Pinochet in power?

48 S ource…Who created it? O ccasion..What was happening that caused this to be created? A udience…Who is supposed to hear this? P urpose..Why was it created?

49 EXIT TICKET 1.Discuss your thinking with a partner. 2.Write a one paragraph response. Prompt: In your opinion, was the USA justified in supporting the military coup in Chile? How did the results of the coup contradict the desired outcomes of the USA?

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