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Military Matches. Military Advantages Americans Outstanding leadership of G.W. Fighting on home land Fighting for cause they believed in Had help of patriot.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Matches. Military Advantages Americans Outstanding leadership of G.W. Fighting on home land Fighting for cause they believed in Had help of patriot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Matches

2 Military Advantages Americans Outstanding leadership of G.W. Fighting on home land Fighting for cause they believed in Had help of patriot women Militia hid behind rocks and trees when fighting British About 50,000 colonists remained loyal to Britain Strongest army and navy in world Britain was wealthy - could buy supplies and hire soldiers (Hessians) Outnumbers Americans in most battles

3 Military Disadvantages Americans Inexperienced - most were farmers Very few ships Constant shortages of money, weapons, food, clothing, and medicine Sometimes neighbors fought against neighbors, since some Americans remained loyal to Britain British Fighting for king - not their own cause Red uniforms and fighting style made them easy targets 3,000 miles from home - poor communication and supply lines America large - hard to conquer and hold territory

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