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PB WORKS FOR EDUCATION After you create an account for education, you will create your workspace. PB Works in Education- online tool to support 21st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "PB WORKS FOR EDUCATION After you create an account for education, you will create your workspace. PB Works in Education- online tool to support 21st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 PB WORKS FOR EDUCATION After you create an account for education, you will create your workspace. PB Works in Education- online tool to support 21st Century skills If you have not yet created a free educational edition PBworks account, you can do so here: Then, click the link to create a new workspace:

2 VERIFY ACCOUNTS Go to the email account you used to set up the pb works account. Click on the link to verify this account. You can add other email accounts, but each one must be verified to be used.


4 ADDING STUDENTS AS USERS Students do not need email addresses to be added to the workspace. Click add users then when the yellow box comes up saying add users, click on create accounts for students.

5 Create Student Accounts Choose how many students you need to add. You can always add or delete accounts.

6 Student roles should be left as writers. Students who don’t use good digital citizenship conduct can be restricted as needed. Add student names and print username and passwords for students. Confirm Account details

7 Now all your students are users of this workspace, they need personalized folders. This is where they can create pages, upload presentations, blog, and publish their work. Any digital media or hyperlink can be added to pages. The students will save and/or edit here. To make folders for your students, click pages and files. Then “new” drop down and “create a folder”. Label the folder the students’ names.

8 Congratulations ! You have completed your second learning objective! Now your class has an online workspace, students have their own usernames, and each student has an individual folder to publish their creations!

9 First Assignment This part of the workshop is classroom specific. The wiki space allows you to meet ISTE standards, Common core standards, and the four C’s of the 21 st Century classroom! Step One: Decide which assignment you are going to post. Step Two: Create a page with the assignment and go over procedures with the class on how to respond to the assignment. Keep in Mind: Opportunities to engage students using curriculum implementation on this workspace are endless. For starters, choose one activity to start the class off.

10 The Homepage for you space should be the front page. You can Rename any page. The wiki should have the overall information. Add pages, folders, and files to build curriculum pages. ASSIGNMENTS

11 POST AN ASSIGNMENT Click on pages and files. Create a page, add a page and name the page. Click on the page. You can make folders to organize subjects. Click edit and start typing you assignment. Make sure you click save. Now you have posted your first assignment.

12 You have just posted your first assignment to your classroom online workspace. Now you are ready to share the classroom PB workspace with teachers, students, and parents. A few reminders: 1.Review digital citizenship for conduct and expectations. Let students know the consequences for not meeting expectations 2. Integrate subjects and implement writing across curriculars 3. Try new activities, web quests, and digital multi media presentations. We all learn 21 st centuray applications by collaborating!

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