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ANTERIOR CINGULATE The Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) resembles a collar around the Corpus Collosum. The ACC is an area of profound biological importance.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTERIOR CINGULATE The Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) resembles a collar around the Corpus Collosum. The ACC is an area of profound biological importance."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTERIOR CINGULATE The Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) resembles a collar around the Corpus Collosum. The ACC is an area of profound biological importance and plays a role in many illness conditions. It is active during many brain processes covering a variety of activities. The ACC can be thought of as center for transmitting information to other brain regions for further processing.

Traces are based on: “Anterior Cingulate Cortex: An MRI-Based Parcellation Method” Laurie McCormick, et al 2006.

3 The Cingulate Cortex consists of anterior and posterior cingulate structures.

4 The following are the Anterior Cingulate structures, excluding the subgenual, that are traced as one structure for the ANN. Blue (Dorsal) Green (Rostral) and Orange (Subcallosal)

5 The Anterior Cingulate structures traced as a single structure for the ANN.

6 Tracing Guidelines Slicer3
Three sections of the Anterior Cingulate are traced as one structure for the ANN, Dorsal, Rostral, and Subcallosal. The Subgenual is traced separately. See slide 14. 1. SLICER3 script: /IPLlinux/ipldev/sharedopt/ /RedHatEnterpriseWorkstation_6.0/Slicer beta linux-x86_64/Slicer3 *.nii.gz .

7 Tracing Guidelines Plane guidelines
2. Tracing guide using in the Sagittal Plane: Always start with Plane C (Dorsal) using the marginal sulcus as a guide to distinguish the anterior cingulate from the posterior cingulate. The sagittal view is used to indicate where to start tracing in the coronal plane. 3. Tracing labels in the Coronal Plane: Labels are created on every Coronal slice and include all gray matter regions of the anterior cingulate.

8 The Marginal Sulcus in the sagittal view is used to define the endpoint of dorsal cingulate.

9 Tracing Guidelines Plane definitions
DORSAL (Plane C): Starting point is seen in the sagittal plane as the middle (highest point) of the first gyrus anterior to the ascending marginal sulcus which joins the cingulate sulcus and ends 1 slice in front of the slice where the two sides of the corpus callosum are no longer connected thru the genu. ROSTRAL (Plane A): Starting point is 1 slice in front of the slice where the two sides of the corpus callosum are no longer connected thru the genu. This plane ends when the cingulate ends at most anterior part of brain. SUBCALLOSAL (Plane B): Starting point is the same as the last slice of the Dorsal and ends the slice before the putamen appears in the coronal. Adjacent to this region is the SUBGENUAL.

10 An example of the Anterior Cingulate in Brains2 - Plane A, Plane B, and Plane C

11 Subcallosal Area

12 Subcallosal Tracing Guidelines
Useful Guidelines: These guidelines are not always followed depending on the circumstances but are sometimes helpful: a. Watch the SUBCALLOSAL top border. The SUBCALLOSAL goes up into the Corpus Collosum a few slices on the top portion while the lower portion follows the rostral band around. b. Look for the deepest (darkest) sulci for DORSAL. Usually, but not always, go with deepest. c. There is a flowing C shape to the ROSTRAL which you follow around. If the C shape is broken up etc. it is probably not cingulate tissue. d. When the Putamen comes in view, stop the SUBCALLOSAL in the Coronal. e. In Coronal when the CC breaks and is no longer connected, start the ROSTRAL.

13 DORSAL cingulate in coronal view

14 ROSTRAL cingulate in coronal view

15 SUBCALLOSAL cingulate in coronal view
Dorsal cingulate Subcallosal cingulate

The SUBGENUAL area is the lower portion of the SUBCALLOSAL (Area 24) adjacent to the paraterminal gyrus. This area is considered Brodmann’s Area 25.

17 Subgenual in Subcallosal Area Adjacent to Paraterminal Gyrus

18 Paraterminal Gyrus is indicate in Green

19 Location of the Straight Gyrus

20 SubgenualTracing Guidelines
Trace the subgenual cingulate primarily in the Coronal plane after first using the Sagittal plane to determine boundaries. a. SUPERIOR boundary is where GM and WM intersect with the Corpus Collosum b. INFERIOR boundary is the tip of the Straight Gyrus on the Coronal plane. Includes Paraterminal Gyrus tissue. c. ANTERIOR boundary is where the putamen first comes into view one slice behind PLANE B at Rostrum of the Corpus Collosum. d. POSTERIOR boundary is drawn on the Sagittal plane and includes the Paraterminal Gyrus. This is confirmed on the Coronal plane.

21 Example of Anterior Cingulate including Subgenual region in Brains2

22 Sagittal view of posterior subgenual and paraterminal gyrus in Slicer – blue outline.

23 Coronal view of posterior subgenual and paraterminal gyrus in Slicer – green outline.

24 Subgenual Tracing Guidelines
Determine the inferior boundaries of the Subgenual tissue using the straight gyrus: Sagittal view: This mid-sagittal plane is primarily used to determine the boundaries of the subgenual. The subgenual is located posterior to Subcallosal and anterior to Paraterminal gyrus. The paraterminal gyrus is also included in this tracing method. (Slide 22) Coronal view: divide white area between caudate and subgenual and split the difference in that region between caudate and subgenual tissue. Do not extend the subgenual/paraterminal tissue tracing below the straight gyrus. (Slide 23) Axial view: useful to locate the straight gyrus (AXIAL STRAIGHT GYRUS: start/-10.5 Stop). Straight gyrus first comes into view decide if 2 or 3rd slice from when we first see it. (Slide 19) Guide traces of straight gyrus can be used for help with determining the inferior boundary BUT DON'T SAVE GUIDE TRACES or they will become part of the subgenual label!    NOTE: check all views now to trace subgenual as axial will show how far down to come inferior/coronal shows how far out into white area/sagittal shows if you are down far enough superior etc.

a. Traces are based on "Anterior Cingulate Cortex: An MRI-Based Parcellation Method" Laurie McCormick, et al 2006. b. This is a good web site for learning various sulci: c. This is a good web site for learning brain anatomy:

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