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SAE Supervised Agricultural Experience Ms. Senff Intro To Ag.

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Presentation on theme: "SAE Supervised Agricultural Experience Ms. Senff Intro To Ag."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAE Supervised Agricultural Experience Ms. Senff Intro To Ag

2 Objectives SWBAT define SAE and identify its part in Agricultural Education SWBAT compare and contrast types of SAE programs SWBAT explore possible SAE projects that they may adopt later in the year

3 What is an SAE? Practical application of classroom concepts designed to provide “ real world ” experiences and develop skills in agriculturally related career areas. a.Supervised: Looked after and directed. b.Agricultural: Business and/or employment in agriculture, agribusiness, or renewable resources. c.Experience : Any thing and everything that is observed, done, or lived through. The record keeping of all plans, activities, and experiences.

4 Purpose of SAE’s A.Provide opportunities to explore a variety of agricultural careers. B.Provide opportunities for earning while learning. C.Develop valuable work skills such as…? D.Assure recognition for individual achievement. E.Provide educational and practical experiences in a specialized area of agriculture.

5 SAE Rewards – provides an opportunity to explore careers – allows students to gain experience – earn money!! – improve communication skills in a variety of situations – develop management skills – earn FFA Proficiency Awards and advanced FFA degrees

6 Types of SAE Programs A.Ownership/Entrepreneurship a.Enterprises (projects) conducted by students as owners or managers. b.May be conducted as an agribusiness, providing a service or commodity.

7 Examples Entrepreneurship SAE’s A.Crop Enterprises a.Vegetables, nursery plants, fruit, grains, hay, forestry products. B.Agribusiness Enterprises a.Landscape Service, custom farm work, tree service, Animal Care and Boarding, machine repair, and custom welding or metalwork. C.Animal Enterprises a.Breeding beef, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, horse, dairy, cavies, and others. b.Market beef, seine, sheep, goats, poultry, rabbits, and cavies.

8 Types of SAE Programs A.Placement a.Enterprises (projects) conducted by students whose employee in agricultural –related entity. b.Could be paid or volunteer.

9 Examples Placement SAE’s A.Production Enterprises a.Work for farm, ranch, greenhouse, nursery, or aquaculture facility. B.Agribusiness Enterprises a.Work for veterinary center, kennel, feed store, pet shop, florist, or garden center.

10 Types of SAE Programs A.Exploratory – Experiencing the “ big picture ” of agriculture and its many related careers. This type of program is great for beginning students and those who are uncertain about their interest, but others can also benefit. EXAMPLES: A.Attend an Agriculture Career Day B.Prepare a scrapbook on the work of a veterinarian

11 Types of SAE Programs Agriscience Research & Experimentation – Plan and conduct a major agricultural experiment, using the scientific method to discover new knowledge. – Examples: Determining if phases of the moon have an effect on plant growth Determining the strength of welds using different welding methods

12 Types of SAE Programs School-Based Enterprise – A student-managed, entrepreneurial operation in a school setting that provides goods or services that meet the needs of an identified market. Examples: – Selling school-raised eggs – Selling fruits or vegetables grown at the school farm – Providing pest management service

13 Types of SAE Programs Service-Learning – Student-managed service activity where students are involved in the development of a needs assessment, planning the goals, objectives and budget, implementation of the activity, promotion, and evaluation/reflection of a chosen project. Students raise funds (if needed) Must be stand alone project – not part of ongoing chapter project

14 PAUSE HERE. Let’s do something with this info!

15 Mind Moo-Ver Objective: – SWBAT explore possible SAE projects that they may adopt later in the year QOD: – What are two types of SAE’s? – What are some examples of skills learned through having an SAE project?

16 Battle Royale! 1.What does SAE stand for? 2.SAEs allow us to _____ while we learn. 3.Give an example of an agribusiness enterprise. 4.Which category would ‘custom metal work’ fit into? 5.What makes entrepreneurship and placement enterprises different?

17 Selecting an SAE A.Personal Interest a.Consider the kinds of activities you like to do and then build on those interests. B.Resource Inventory a.It is important to take into consideration those assets and sources of help that may be available for conducting SAE activities. This might include information about your home, possible job opportunities, personal contacts, or current agricultural experience.

18 Parts of an SAE Program 1.Investigate Explore possibilities and weigh pros & cons 2.Plan Decide what to do and how you will get it done 3.Coordinate Communicate with advisor, employer and/or parents 4.Keep Records Track your achievements over time 5.Program Improvement Improve and update your business/worksite/community

19 Recognition for SAE’s A.FFA Degrees a.The FFA awards FFA degrees on the growth and development of a students’ SAE. B.Proficiency Awards a.Recognize individuals who excel in their SAE. b.Awards are presented from the chapter to national level. c.Rewards sometimes include money at state and national. C.Star Awards a.Recognize the very best projects in the following areas: i.Star in Agriscience ii.Star in Agribusiness iii.Star in Agricultural Placement iv.Star Farmer

20 A look at some SAE’s SAE Video Now it’s your turn to brainstorm SAE’s in which you are interested! Using the list of possible SAE’s, take the time to research and eventually choose your top 3 SAE projects you would like to participate in this school year.

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