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Second Grade Class of 2015-2016. District Mandatory Dress Code TOPS Any collared shirt (polo style, button down oxford) T-Shirts with college, JISD campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Grade Class of 2015-2016. District Mandatory Dress Code TOPS Any collared shirt (polo style, button down oxford) T-Shirts with college, JISD campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Grade Class of 2015-2016

2 District Mandatory Dress Code TOPS Any collared shirt (polo style, button down oxford) T-Shirts with college, JISD campus spirit military logo. Must be tucked in at all times unless the shirt hem is square and no longer than 6 inches below the waist line. From page 32 in Judson Student Handbook

3 District Mandatory Dress Code BOTTOMS Pants must fit at the waist and be properly hemmed or cuffed. Pants may not have holes, ripped knees, designs or sequins. Walking shorts, skirts or dresses must be knee length or longer. NO leggings or jeggings (even under appropriate length skirts). See page 32 in Judson Student Handbook for the complete dress code listing

4 District Attendance/Tardy Policy Breakfast is served from 6:30-7:20. If your child arrives after 7:30 a.m., he/she is tardy and must report to the office before reporting to class. Students are counted absent if they arrive after 9:30am. Please send a note describing the reason for your student’s absence. Students must be in attendance for at least 90% of the days school is in session in order to receive credit for the school year, they can be retained for attendance less than 90%. Please refer to the Judson handbook or school office if you have any questions.

5 Behavior Expectations As a team, we will work together to help your child understand there are rules that they are expected to follow daily. Classroom rules are based on the principles of respect to your teachers and peers (be polite and keep hands and feet to self) and responsibility for self (complete class work and homework daily). Our preference is to reward good behavior and redirect misguided behavior. Incentive programs will vary by classroom. Your child is responsible for getting his/her behavior folder initialed every evening by parent/guardian. It is your child’s responsibility to have you check the behavior folder every evening.

6 Behavior Expectations If a student chooses to break a classroom rule, he/she will receive classroom consequences. Consequences for choosing to break a rule include: Warning/Verbal Redirection Sign Behavior log or move clip and time off recess. Note to parent in behavior folder and loss of recess. Parent-Teacher Conference and Office Referral if necessary. *Severe disruptions by student will result in immediate referral to the office. Severe disruptions include fighting, stealing, bullying, and disrespect or lack of cooperation to an adult.

7 Appropriate Behavior that encourages Learning (AB) Behavior Not Appropriate for Learning (BNA) Serious Behavior interfering with Learning (SB) 1.Turns in work on time 2.Pays attention in class 3.Participates in class 4.Uses time wisely 5.Maintains good attendance 6.Accepts responsibility 7.Is a cooperative learner 8.Shows evidence of extra effort 9.Exhibits positive leadership skills 10.Follows instructions 11.Interacts appropriately with others 12.Works quietly 13.Is polite and respectful 1.Missing Materials 2.Inattentive 3.Not Working 4.Excessive Talking 5.Needs to follow directions 6.Distracting others 7.Needs to organize 8. Other _____ #8 Other;_______ may include any item needed as it arises, including bus incidents. 1.Arguing 2.Disrespectful 3.Inappropriate language 4.Physical aggression, i.e., (shoving, pushing, stroking) 5.Threatening 6.Fighting 7.Destroying/defacing property 8.Stealing 9.Forging signatures 10.Other: ------- Behavior/Discipline Plan Excellent (E) = 0-2 BNA/SB Satisfactory (S) = 3-5 BNA/SB Needs a lot of improvement (N) = 6-9 BNA/SB Unsatisfactory (U) = 10+ BNA/SB Any student who earns 13 or more BNA and/or SB marks combined for a duration of 6 weeks, may forfeit his or her privilege of participating in any special grade level or classroom events scheduled during or immediately following that 6-week period. One SB will disqualify a student from earning a conduct grade of “E”. Repeated SBs may warrant an Office Referral. A student who earns an “N” or a “U” will be disqualified from receiving Honor Roll status.

8  The TEKS are the guidelines for what your child needs to learn in second grade to be successful.  You can access the TEKS for all subject areas that your child will be working on this year at TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)

9  Guided reading is small group (3-5 students) instruction formed based on your child’s reading ability and strategy use.  The groups are learning strategies that will help them become more fluent readers.  The teacher selects lessons based on the group’s abilities and focuses on a particular strategy.  Leveled books will be going home with your child in a mesh bag, they should be practiced at home and returned the following day. Guided Reading

10 Grading Scale in Spelling, Conduct, Music and PE E- Excellent Achievement S- Satisfactory N-Needs Improvement U-Unsatisfactory *A student on A or A/B honor roll with a N or U in conduct will not be recognized for their academic achievements.

11 Grading Scale Assignments are weighted as follows: Tests/Quizzes/Major Projects 40% Daily Assignments 50% Homework 10% *District policy states teachers “may allow a student a reasonable opportunity to make up or redo a summative assessment or assignment for which the student received a failing grade.”

12 Grading Scale Grading Scale (Reading, English Comp=Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies) A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% F 69-Below M- Missing Exc- Excused

13 Homework Expectations There will be homework every evening. Reading is expected as a daily task for 20 minutes. Please check the take home folder/agenda daily for notes from your child’s teacher. Homework should take no longer than 45 minutes. *Incomplete classwork can not be sent home as homework.

14 Homework-Reading  Your child is required to read every evening for 20 minutes, after Winter Break this will increase to 30 minutes.  Leveled readers will be sent home daily in a zippered reading bag.  This bag should travel to and from school daily. Please follow notes and instructions included in these bags from your student’s teacher. Questions you may want to discuss with your Student What did the title tell you? What did the pictures tell you? What was your favorite part of the story and why? What did this story make you think of? How did the character change in the story? What was the problem in the story and how was it resolved? How would you change the end of the story?

15 Spelling, Math, Science and Social Studies Homework Your child will be given a spelling list at the beginning of the week. Your child will also be given periodic math, science and social studies homework to reinforce and review content from school lessons, this homework should be returned the following day unless otherwise indicated.

16 End of Year Academic Expectations Reading Fluency rate of 70 to 90 words correct per minute at the end of the year testing date. An ISIP Early Reading Ability score of 240-244. Have the ability to comprehend a grade level text. Writing Tells a story that makes a point with supporting details. Consistently uses simple and compound sentences effectively with proper capitalization and punctuation. Math Uses effective strategies that lead to solutions and is able to clearly explain how the problem was solved. *If your child is failing 2 or more subject areas in their cumulative average at the end of the year they could be retained.

17 Volunteer Training Parents must have volunteer training before they can come to their child’s classroom, chaperone a field trip or volunteer to help at field day. This MUST be done every year. Volunteer training is available online, go to site for more information! *Eating lunch with your child is an exception. No parents are allowed on the playground with their child for recess.

18 Questions ?

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