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The Texas Revolution, 1836 Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna began restricting the powers of the regimes in Coahuita – Texas & other Mexican states. –Ignited.

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Presentation on theme: "The Texas Revolution, 1836 Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna began restricting the powers of the regimes in Coahuita – Texas & other Mexican states. –Ignited."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Texas Revolution, 1836 Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna began restricting the powers of the regimes in Coahuita – Texas & other Mexican states. –Ignited a series of rebellions –The most important rebellion was known as the Texas Revolution

2 The Texas Revolution, 1836 Santa Anna’s brutality in crushing most of the rebellion’s alarmed Austin. –Austin had wanted to secure greater autonomy for Texas w/in Mexico Not independence –Austin had support of Tujanos (Mexicans living in Texas).

3 The Texas Revolution, 1836 In the fall of 1835, when Santa Anna invaded Texas Austin sided with the more radical Americans who wanted independence. –Santa Anna’s army was successful at first Feb. 1836 – took siege of San Antonio 200 Texan defenders retreated into abandoned mission, the Alamo. Fought off repeated attacks by Santa Anna’s 4,000.

4 The Alamo

5 The Texas Revolution, 1836  Remaining 187 were overwhelmed on March 6  Most killed on final assault  Davy Crocket Surrendered and was executed  A few weeks later, Mexican troops massacred 350 prisoners taken from an American settlement at Goliad

6 The Texas Revolution, 1836 Even before these events, Texas delegates had met in a shed in the village of Washington, Texas and declared Texas independent of Mexico. –Sam Houston, President –Houston returned east for recruits –Houston turned and surprised Santa Anna near San Jacinto River in April. –Shouting “Remember the Alamo.” –Forced Santa Anna to sign treaty that the Mexican government never recognized.

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