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GameCamp! by ModLab Josef Nguyen and Amanda Phillips, facilitators Procedural Thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "GameCamp! by ModLab Josef Nguyen and Amanda Phillips, facilitators Procedural Thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 GameCamp! by ModLab Josef Nguyen and Amanda Phillips, facilitators Procedural Thinking

2 About ModLab Interdisciplinary Digital Humanities and Game Studies Research Laboratory ~30 faculty, graduate, and undergraduate researchers from across campus IFHA Cluster in Gamification and the Digital Humanities, Mellon Research Initiative in Digital Cultures, IMMERSe Video Games Research Network, Davis Humanities Institute

3 About GameCamp! Year-long workshop series culminating in a month-long game jam in May. Open to everyone – bring your non-programmer, non-gamer friends! General game design principles + tech skills

4 Josef Nguyen: Ph.D. Candidate in English. Email: Website: http://www.josefnguyen.net Amanda Phillips: IMMERSe Postdoctoral Fellow in ModLab. Email: Twitter: Website: http://gamertrouble.wordpress.com About Your Facilitators

5 Friday 5 pm, Kemper Hall 1127 Game Dev at Davis

6 International Game Developers Association

7 New Sponsorship!

8 Safe Community Building

9 Procedural Thinking: You Want Me To Do What Where??



12 Solitaire AnalogDigital


14 Thinking Like a Computer

15 Walk Around Enter an Encounter Take a StepEnter an Encounter Encounter? No Monster? Yes Small Big Small Monster Big Monster

16 Randomness

17 Candy Crush Saga

18 Sugar Slaughter Story A process for running an analog version of the digital game Candy Crush Saga Materials: A 5x5 grid A six-sided die (d6) A die decoding sheet A set of 2 flowcharts A preset level guide Lots of candy

19 Setting up the Game As a group, work together to follow the preset level flowchart instructions carefully Do not take short cuts Computers typically follow one instruction at a time; you should too After you have done that, clear the grid and follow the random level instructions carefully

20 Discussing the difference

21 Playing the Game A set of gameplay flowcharts Designate someone as the player. Everyone else will operate the game as the “computer” This doesn’t replicate Candy Crush exactly – there is no score, no specials, no end game condition. This is just to illustrate some of the procedures that produce gameplay.

22 Wrapping Up Sugar Slaughter: which tasks were easier/faster as a human? Which would be easier/faster as a computer? Programming is not necessarily about complexity, but about thinking through problems procedurally. Different gamemaking platforms will have different limitations/affordances for programming problems

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